Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Oklahoma voters overturned about Sharia take heart. There are better ways of dealing with this which have been successful in other states

1/10/12, "Oklahoma Voters Overturned ...... but Not for Long," Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller

"Earlier today, a Federal court ruled that the Oklahoma sharia law ban was uunconstitutional.

Everyone knows the Oklahoma sharia ban was poorly written and badly done. The objective was good which is why over 70% of Oklahoma voters voted for it. It was the execution that was bad.

The law offices of David Yerushalmi:

This is not unexpected. It was, per Mr. Yerushalmi's published writings, a stupid approach (using a state const'l amendment) and the actual wording was even more problematic and sophomoric. This is why the American Laws for American Courts that Mr. Yerushalmi drafted and which has passed in 3 states (pending in dozens of others) has not even been challenged in court--precisely because ALAC is manifestly const'l and is not Oklahoma notwithstanding this idiot from Think Progress's little blurb below. Apples and Turnips.

Anyone working on these legislations in any of the 50 states, contact me if you are in need of the "template"."

More detail on this at Atlas Shrugs link earlier in the day.


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