Sunday, January 22, 2012

'Then on Fox we were treated to 'The Architect of the 2000 Florida Disaster, Karl Rove'

1/21/12, "Today, Oddly, Was Newt’s “Independents Day”. And, Oh: Can Someone Burn Karl Rove’s Stupid Little Whiteboard?" ConservativeCurmudgeon,

"But, then during the coverage of the election results on FOX, we are treated to Karl “The Architect of the 2000 Florida Disaster” Rove telling us that Newt’s win was no big thing. Karl had his handy little white-board out this evening with all of his stupid chicken-scratches on it trying to point out the Newt’s margin over second place Mitt was within the realm of historical averages (-something I was able to do in one sentence WITHOUT a whiteboard.

  • Obama needs a teleprompter; Karl Rove needs a whiteboard, I guess.)

The statistic I would like to see, though, is how far back in the polls in South Carolina during the week prior to the election, was a candidate that eventually went on to win it?...

The professional political class has been wrong about every election in my lifetime: That we must appeal to independents and moderates by muting our conservatism–; Newt proved tonight they can be attracted to strength and passionate appeals to conservative reason."


Ed. note: Newt won because he exhibited a pulse which Romney refuses to do. Gingrich is of course not a limited government, anti-establishment guy, but if Karl Rove doesn't want him that's a plus. As the above writer said, the GOP political class has been totally wrong on their picks for decades. Since I don't watch Fox News, I don't have to look at Karl Rove.


1/21/12, "Gingrich Beats Media in South Carolina, 54 to 14," CNS News. Terence P. Jeffrey


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