Friday, April 29, 2011

Tea is actually connected with CPAC, whose abject failure is one of the reasons the real Tea Party was born

A banner ad mentioned the Tea Party, the fine print said sponsored by a group called "Stop this Insanity." It's 'home' link led to a website called It looked too overly produced to be connected to real Tea Party people. It turns out it's a big supporter of CPAC, and David Keene's wife is their 'representative' in Washington DC. Meaning it's run by establishment GOP hacks.

David Keene being the longtime head of CPAC who is now head of the NRA. CPAC's best efforts gave us Obama. I read they plan to re-orient Tea Party people to ACU regional groups, since ACU knows best how to do things. Right. These phonies still don't get it.

Just another group trying to co-opt the Tea Party:

4/5/11, "Evidence mounts is a FAKE," conservative outlooks blog



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