Sunday, April 17, 2011

Donald Trump speaks to crowds at South Florida Tea Party


4/16/11, "Donald Trump talks about possible presidential run," Sun-Sentinel

Trump speaks at South Florida Tea Party's third annual tax day rally.

4/16/11, "Trump tells Boca Raton crowd he can oust Obama in 2012," Palm Beach Post


Trump at South Florida Tea Party, 4/16/11, Reuters

4/16/11, "Trump Says Obama 'Lives in the World of Make-Believe'," ABC News

"Fresh off the news of a new poll showing him leading the pack of Republicans lining up to take on President Obama in 2012, Donald Trump reiterated his “birther” claims today at a Tea Party rally in Boca Raton, Fla., and blamed George W. Bush for Obama being in office.

“[Obama] lives in the world of the make-believe, and even the fact that he became president is the world of the make believe,” Trump said before an audience of hundreds during his keynote speech.

George W. Bush gave us Obama, and I’m not happy about it. We have a man right now that will almost certainly go down as the worst Pres in the history of the U.S.,” he said.

During his speech, Trump criticized the president on major issues including the ongoing deficit struggle, the economy and the

  • U.S. role in the conflict in Libya and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“We can’t afford education, we can’t afford to build a road, and now we’re in Iraq, Afghan, and now Libya,” he said. “What we’re doing over there is ridiculous.”"...

top photo G. Coronado, Palm Beach Post, via GWP

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