Rahm Emanuel got free rent from BP flack for 5 years-Daschle was dumped for much less
6/8: "
If you or I lived rent free for five years in an apartment in pricey Washington, DC, we would have to pay
The wonderful Andrew Malcolm of the LA Times writes:
- We already knew that BP and its folks were significant contributors to the record
- $750-million war chest of Barack Obama's 2007-08 campaign.
Now, we learn the details of a connection of Rahm Emanuel, the Chicago mayoral wannabe, current Obama chief of staff, ex-representative, ex-Clinton money man and ex-Windy City political machine go-fer.
Shortly after Obama's happy inaugural, eyebrows rose slightly upon word that, as a House member, Emanuel had lived the last five years rent-free in a D.C. apartment of Democratic colleague Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut and her husband, Stanley Greenberg. [....]
Greenberg's consulting firm was a prime architect of BP's
recent rebranding drive as a green petroleum company, down to green signs and the slogan "Beyond Petroleum."
Don't forget that BP also made enormous research grants to a project headed by- Energy Secretary Steven Chu.
There was no oil company more politically correct, or more politically connected than BP. It is time that voters receive a
from American Thinker by Thomas Lifson
- Formal mob control of America by the criminal left courtesy of the inept GOP. ed.
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