- Obama brings back the Nixon era, Obama lets them all twist slowly, slowly in the wind... choking, staggering, exhausted wildlife, humans, fragile ecosystem. An excuse late today is empty and still shows depraved indifference. Obama's designated point man in the Gulf knew nothing about it as of today. He would obviously have been consulted if booms were being considered and was eager to hear about them today.
- But, there’s a hitch. The company notified the government 4 WEEKS AGO that they have oil boom but they they won’t buy it. BP sent representatives 4 weeks ago to check out the manufacturer and they are going to send representatives again this week. The boom is sitting in a warehouse as the coastline is destroyed.
- "Previously:
- BREAKING: MILES OF OIL CONTAINMENT BOOM in Warehouse- Just Sitting- Waiting For BP or US to Collect (Video!)
UPDATE: Team O Clueless
Via HotAir and Jake Tapper, Admiral Thad Allen, the man in charge of the federal effort to manage the crisis, has never heard of them.
P.S. As I recall it was John Erlichman who made the statement about letting them 'twist slowly, slowly in the wind.' The statement is however attached to the Nixon era and administration.June 11: TAPPER: I talked to a guy who runs a company in Maine that offers boom, and he has – he says – the ability to make 90,000 feet of boom a day. High quality. BP came there 2 weeks ago, looked at it, they are doing another audit today. He is very frustrated, he says he has a lot of high quality boom to go and it is taking a long time for BP to get its act together. Don’t you need this boom right now?
ALLEN: Oh we need all the boom wherever we can get it. If you give me
the information off camera I’ll be glad to follow up."
Note: It was noted after the Jake Tapper interview that someone said the booms didn't pass quality control, which is of course what they'd say at this point. Obama's point man on scene would certainly have been consulted were any talks in the works about booms, and he knew nothing about it. Period. There is absolutely no way to verify this and no reason to trust it. If Obama and his large, expensive staff had anything but scorn for the people or wildlife he would have mentioned the booms at some point. Instead, he lets them twist slowly, slowly in the wind. As of TODAY, the man put in charge by Obama did not know of their existence. ed.
- Public trusts media more than government on Gulf oil spill-NPR, Pew, 6/11/10
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