Friday, January 11, 2013

UK industrial output falls in Nov. 2012 increasing fears of triple dip recession

1/11/13, "Fears grow UK economy is set for triple-dip recession after industrial output slumps in November," ThisIsMoney UK, Harry Glass

"The figures appear much worse when compared with November 2011 - manufacturing had fallen 2.1 per cent over the year, and output in construction was down 9.8 per cent.

David Kern, chief economist at the British Chambers of Commerce said: 'The manufacturing figures were disappointing, showing a small fall while most analysts predicted an increase.

'The small rise in total production was also weaker than expected, and the decline in the volatile construction sector is concerning. Taken together, the figures will reinforce the concern that the ONS will announce later this month a small decline in GDP, and this could be damaging to business confidence.'"...


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