Thursday, January 10, 2013

ObamaCare mandate adds $1.79 per hour to the cost of a full time employee. But we're supposed to hate companies that can't or won't sign up for this extra expense

11/13/12, “Beware: ObamaCare’s now reality,” NY Post, Betsy McCaughey

"If you get your health insurance through a job, you might lose it as of Jan. 1, 2014. That’s when the new “employer mandate” kicks in, requiring employers with 50 or more full-time workers to provide the government-designed health plan or pay a fine. The government plan is so expensive, it adds $1.79 per hour to the cost of a full-time employee. That’s incidental if you’re hiring neurosurgeons but a hefty increase for hiring busboys and sales clerks....

The Obama administration is adding federal workers at a rapid pace to churn out and enforce new rules. The government’s own projections say the cost of health-care administration — 

bureaucrats telling doctors and patients what to do — 

will soar from $29 billion when President Obama was first elected to $71 billion by 2020, 

some $40 billion dollars a year more in bureaucracy.

What a shame: That’s enough money to buy private health plans for fully half of all Americans

who are now uninsured because they can’t afford it.” 


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