Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Obama forgets call for "civility" he made at Gabby Giffords pep rally, says Republicans have a "gun at the head of the American people." Obama is free to use hateful and violent rhetoric because he knows no one will complain.

1/14/13, "Obama: GOP Pointing 'Guns at the Head' of Americans Over Debt Ceiling," Breitbart, Ben Shapiro

"Today, President Obama re-enforced his strong preference for an imperial presidency when he said he wouldn’t negotiate over the debt ceiling … again. This has been a favorite tactic of the president’s: he refuses to talk about issues on which Congress has initial control. “What I will not do is have that [debt ceiling] negotiation with a gun at the head of the American people,” said Obama.

This language was carefully calibrated. Obama understands that in the aftermath of Newtown, Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, gun talk frightens Americans. And by invoking the specter of violence and linking it with Republican desire to cut spending, Obama casts Republicans as evil folks who want to commit financial murder.

But Obama wasn’t done with his description of Republicans as evil-hearted fiscal terrorists: “They can act responsibly, and pay America’s bills or then can act irresponsibly, and put American through another economic crisis. But they will not collect a ransom in exchange for not crashing the American economy.”

The ransom Obama speaks of is fiscal responsibility, and it is Obama’s job not to crash the economy. After all, he has the choice as to whether we pay our debts, even if we don’t raise the debt ceiling. And it is Obama’s intransigence on spending that is leading to the debt ceiling crisis in the first place. 
Obama’s a rhetorical thug. And this is just the latest example of that thuggery."


Ed. note: One reason no one will complain about Obama's rhetoric is the establishment GOP happens to agree with his tactics. As Rush Limbaugh said Monday, 1/14/13, when Obama is talking about debt deals he's talking about GOP conservatives, not the establishment. Establishment GOP considers conservatives to be enemy #1, much moreso than any democrat:

1/14/13, Obama and Moderate Republicans See Conservatives as Common Enemy,” Rush Limbaugh transcript
I firmly believe everything going on in Washington today — everything inside the Beltway, in the media, in the think tanks, in the halls of Congress, everything — is oriented toward eliminating a viable opposition. Be it on the radio, be it on television, be it in Congress, wherever.
I think both parties have this goal. I think the Republican establishment is of the same frame of mind as Obama is, that the opposition is conservatives. The opposition is conservatism. And that’s why we’ve had some people ask me, “What was Colin Powell doing?” Colin Powell was on Meet the Press yesterday doing what Scarborough did on MSNBC this morning, which is what a lot of Republicans are doing, and that is criticizing conservatives. Every problem we’ve got, from the gridlock to intransigence to spending, it’s all the fault of conservatives.

And even the Republican establishment agrees with this.”…


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