Monday, January 14, 2013

Germany gives up on international climate treaty process via the UN, seeks smaller groups with which to work on renewable energies

1/14/13, "Germany Gives Up On Binding Global Climate Treaty, Now Pushing For A “Coalition Of The Willing” On Green Energy,"
P. Gosselin, NoTricksZone

""In light of the minimal progress made by the UN climate conferences, Altmaier views this as an important supplement to new alliances for leading countries. [...] He emphasized that especially in emerging and developing countries green electricity must be supported even more.”

Green energies for poor developing countries? Renewable energy is not even affordable in rich Europe. Last year 600,000 German households had their power cut off because they were unable to pay their electricity bills. How are poor countries going to afford it? The DPA report says that 1.4 billion people have no power at all. These dirt poor citizens are supposed to start out with electricity from the highest price class?"...via Tom Nelson


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