Tuesday, January 15, 2013

For the fourth time in five years Obama has broken the law and failed to submit a budget when it was due

1/14/13, "White House: Won't make budget deadline," UPI

"The White House has told House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., it will miss the legal deadline for sending a budget to Congress.

A White House aide said Acting Budget Director Jeff Zients informed Ryan late Friday the budget wouldn't be delivered by the Feb. 4 deadline, The Hill reported Monday.

On Wednesday, Ryan wrote to the White House, asking if it would be missing the deadline.

"Late Friday evening, Deputy Director Zients confirmed that for the fourth time in five years, the president's budget will not be submitted in compliance with the law," the aide said. "Zients did not indicate how late the administration will delay its submission, simply noting, 'We will submit it to Congress as soon as possible.'"

Under the law, Obama must submit a budget by the first Monday in February. He has met the deadline only once."


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