Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Talk radio host Mike Malloy wishes he could choke Rush Limbaugh to death on his own throat fat

1/18/2011, "'I wish I could,'", Radio Equalizer, Brian Maloney, Liberal Hate-Talker Dreams Of Choking Rush To Death

"Syndicated/ XM-Sirius Satellite-based Mike Malloy, no stranger to Radio Equalizer readers, spent part of last night's show defending his violence fantasies and even revealed a new one: a desire to choke Rush Limbaugh to death.
MIKE MALLOY (31:15): The rhetoric that comes from me is the rhetoric of rage...and, um, have their been violent images? Of course. Rush Limbaugh choking on his throat fat - that you know, to me, is not a threat - I can't - I wish I could, but I can't reach into his throat and jiggle up his throat fat so he suffocates - I can't do it.

Um, as far as Dick Cheney, Dick Cheney is a mass killer - I mean, by definition - it - it doesn't make a difference what he thinks he is or think he isn't - his policies going back to the '60s are those of a mass killer.
Regardless of the size of Malloy's audience, his extreme language deserves to be part of any 'civility' debate (or "conversation" as annoying liberals like to call it)."


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