Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rush is played like a violin by the left

Andrew Breitbart explains what happened to Limbaugh: The cultural left "trafficked in self-assured righteousness, a vibrant network of transmitters and supporters, and a belief in the moral inferiority of their opposites. With these things, they crafted and pushed narratives that crushed conservatives every time."

3/3/12, "Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy." Ann Althouse (item at end of post) "An H.L. Mencken quote from 1916."

"In the long comments thread on yesterday's post about Limbaugh and Fluke, Mark O said:
This is part of a wonderfully orchestrated maneuver to distract the voters from Obama's economic failures to something nearly irrelevant.
And I said:
Nice of Rush to sit in on Obama's orchestra."
3/1/12, "
Andrew Breitbart: marrying new media with political principle," UK Guardian, Joshua Trevino
1/7/2012, "
Andrew Breitbart appeared on Fox Business to discuss the latest attempt by the left to indoctrinate children in the public school system. A group of 3rd graders were taught a song praising "the 99 [percent]"
  • in support of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement."

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