Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Left wing talk radio host calls American South "Crackerland," sidekick calls them "yahoos." Will Obama call governors and ask 'are you OK?'

3/12/12, "Left-Wing Radio Host Calls South ‘Crackerland’," Washington Free Beacon, "Another lesson in 'civility'"

Who’s saying she’s hurting Obama because of the GOP’s stance on women’s issues now. You can’t turn back the clock, and that’s what they want to do. They don’t want to conserve what exists, they want to actually turn it back.

STEPHANIE MILLER: So what happens in Crackerland this week, as we like to say? We have, what, Alabama and Mississippi coming up tomorrow.

PAPA: I think Santorum and Gingrich split the yahoos in Alabama and Romney just flat out wins Mississippi." via Free Republic


Ed. note: America's deep south has many of this country's kindest and poorest people. They mostly do actual work as opposed to running hedge funds and the like so I guess that makes them racist.


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