Saturday, March 5, 2011

Since recession, federal government jobs booming, private sector dying-chart


2/22/11, "Federal Workforce Continues to Grow Under Obama Budget," The Foundry, Heritage

"Since the beginning of the last recession (December 2007) the private sector workforce has shrunk by 6.6% while
  • shedding more than 7.5 million jobs.
Over that same time period, the federal government workforce (excluding Census and Postal workers) has
  • grown by 11.7% while adding 230,000 jobs.

This trend has continued throughout the Obama Administration. Since President Barack Obama was sworn into office, the private sector workforce has shrunk by 2.6% while

  • shedding 2.9 million jobs

while the federal workforce (excluding Census and Postal workers)

  • has grown by 7% while adding more than 144,000 jobs.

Now, President Obama’s FY 2012 budget proposes adding even more people to the federal payroll. Specifically, the President wants to create an additional 15,000 federal government jobs including 4,182 additional Internal Revenue Service employees 1,054 of which will be

The problem with all these additional government jobs is that government spending does not create the

via Weasel Zippers

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