Monday, March 7, 2011

Another $105 billion for ObamaCare in 2011 budget for 'implementation' costs not previously known

3/6/11, "Meet The Press: David Gregory Irked by Michelle Bachmann Emphasis on Secret $105 Billion ObamaCare Funding," Newsbusters, PJ Gladnick

"Here is a portion of the interview of a clearly upset David Gregory as you can see in this video who obviously did not want to deal in the slightest with Bachmann's revelation which would have been major news to the viewing public as well as a more detailed transcript below the fold:

REP. MICHELE BACHMANN: ...There was a Congressional Research Service report that just was issued in February, and we discovered that secretly,

  • unbeknownst to members of Congress,
  • over $105 billion was hidden in the Obamacare legislation

to fund the implementation of Obamacare. This is something that wasn't known. This money was broken up, hidden in various parts of the bills. And we have worked very hard to discover $61 billion in cuts that we could put forward, get to the president. So, in effect, David, we've taken one step forward and two steps back because we've found now that

MR. GREGORY: All right. But that--but, Congresswoman, you heard the president this week offer...

Notice how often during the interview that Ms Bachmann keeps returning to the topic of the $105 billion of ObamaCare funding during the interview which is countered in each instance by

MR. GREGORY: The issue of the tea party and backlash among voters against the tea party is an interesting area because conservatives and certainly leaders and tea party folks have said, "Look, there was a mandate from the 2010 election, and that was to cut spending." And yet, you have this from--analysis from our Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, written by the Wall Street Journal on Thursday: "Among those most fearing spending cuts," they reported, "were younger voters, independents, seniors, and suburban women--groups that include many swing voters in national elections, who potentially could turn against the GOP.

"`It may be hard to understand why someone would try to jump off a cliff' to solve the debt crisis, [pollster] Mr. [Bill] McInturff said of his fellow Republicans, `*unless you understand that they are being chased by a tiger, and that tiger is the tea party.'" Is the tea party chasing the broader GOP off the cliff?

REP. BACHMANN: You know, I think that the political left has been very afraid of the tea party movement because it is not necessarily political. It's not Democrats or Republicans. It's made up of a very broad-based coalition. It's made up of people who want the country to work again. They believe that we're taxed enough already, the government shouldn't spend more money than what its taking in, and that each of the three branches of government should act within the jurisdictional limitations of the Constitution. That's a broad-based group of people. They just want our country to work again. And I think that that coalition is hanging together more strongly now than ever.

So now that Congress is searching for ways to cut the budget, a very good place to start would be with the 105 BILLION dollars in secret ObamaCare funding, However, David Gregory would rather stubbornly stick to his script about supposed dissension between Tea Party members and the GOP as well other relatively trivial matters.

Perhaps someday David Gregory can bring himself to actually say the words: $105 BILLION. "


* Translation of the term 'fellow Republican' in this context: 'Soros Republican' or a Republican determined for this country to fail as far and as fast as possible. Before all else, do not let the people have want they want and need. Many Americans have lost lifetimes of work, discipline and sacrifice. That isn't nearly enough for the Soros Republicans who gave us Obama to begin with. ed.



Unknown said...

This theft of 105 BILLION DOLLARS, in the corrupt Obmacare bill, by Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and Sebelius is a travesty. In addition to getting the money back to the American people, these filthy thieves, and traitors, should be sent to prison for a long, long time !!! This is the biggest story out there, and you can't even find it on CNN !!!

susan said...

2/23/11, "ObamaCare is already damaging health care," Wall St. Journal Opinion, Lloyd M. Krieger.
From the article, ""The Republicans who now control the House of Representatives hope to repeal or defund ObamaCare, but the law has already yielded profound, destructive changes that

* will not be undone by repeal or defunding alone.

Active steps and new laws will be needed to repair the damage. ... * frequently.

This is why simply defunding enforcement of the individual mandate and other upcoming directives will not be enough: Given all this consolidation, limits on treatment choices are

* already becoming hardwired into the system.

Lawmakers must take concrete steps to stop and reverse this.

On the provider end, this means enacting tax and other economic shields for insurers and providers that choose not to succumb to the financial pressure encouraging consolidation.

* It means unwinding all of the rules—

about data compilation, reporting and compliance requirements, and information technology—designed to increase overhead to the point that only massive and easily regulated provider organizations

* can survive.

Legislators will have to scrub the 2,700-page ObamaCare law line by line to remove all of the disincentives for medical practices, hospitals and others to remain smaller and independent.On the consumer end, reform means re-establishing choice at all levels of the system. Lawmakers at a minimum should change the individual mandate so that people can choose what type of coverage they buy. To do this, legislation has to ensure that all consumers have access to a menu of options for varying types of coverage, and that they are free to purchase policies across state lines. There should also be tax breaks for people who purchase medical care not covered by their insurance,

* so there is reasonable chance of escaping government-imposed limits on treatment choices.

System-wide, collectivization will be dismantled only by limiting the power of government agencies to determine what care gets funded. That means new legislation to supersede Section 1311 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which requires herding everyone into "qualified plans" and

* forcing doctors (via fines, penalties and nonpayment)

to follow care guidelines determined by the secretary of Health and Human Services.

ObamaCare is already doing great damage, even years before its individual mandate and

* other controls kick in."...