Monday, March 7, 2011

Activist, credit card entrepreneur, and Hip hop mogul Russell Simmons in Yankee cap holds 'Today I am a Muslim, too' rally in Times Square


Mogul Russell Simmons leads "Today I am a Muslim, too" rally in Times Square, ap photo
3/6/11, "Crowd in NYC rallies against hearing on US Muslims," AP, Karen Matthews

Some 300 people gathered in Times Square on Sunday to speak out against a planned congressional hearing on Muslim terrorism, criticizing it as xenophobic and saying that singling out Muslims, rather than extremists, is unfair.

Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons and the imam who had led an effort to build an Islamic center near the World Trade Center site were among those who addressed the crowd....

  • Simmons promised "to make sure that this rally is taken to the next generation and to a new age"

by enlisting entertainers and sports figures to tweet about it, including Kim Kardashian, who tweeted Sunday that she stood with Simmons in "promoting love and compassion.""...


Russell often wears his Yankee hat.

6/24/10, "How Russell Simmons Out-Lobbied Big Banks," Business Week

"It was surely the only time that lawmakers hammering out the financial regulation bill were lobbied by a man wearing a hoodie and New York Yankees baseball hat. That's how Russell Simmons showed up on Capitol Hill earlier this month to fight a proposal to cap the fees retailers pay banks to process debit-card payments."...


Here he is in a 'white on white' Yankee cap, raised white emblem embossed on white hat. The photo accompanied a piece describing his support of the Ground Zero mosque near the World Trade Center in Manhattan.

8/26/10, "Russell Simmons speaks out in favor of the 'Ground Zero mosque,'" Entertainment Weekly


Simmons felt the Nov. 2010 elections were a crisis moment for civil rights rather than citizens having experienced 4 long years of a House of Representatives out of touch with America. He wrote in the Huffington Post:

"Make no mistake: this is a civil rights election."...

11/1/10, "Don't vote, and we'll get the Alice in Wonderland Congress from hell," Huffington Post, Russell Simmons

Russell doesn't sound very inclusive, tolerant, or open minded in this case.


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