- how to talk "republicans" into falling for cap and trade,
- Per the UK Guardian an angry group including Soros, Larry Summers, and Bob Ward met in March in London to hammer out how to get Americans' money, just really, have to get our money.
- $100bn a year for the rest of this decade, cash that will be used to help the world's poorest countries adapt to climate change.
"The prices we pay for our goods do not reflect one key cost: the damage that their production does to the planet's climate system," said Bob Ward, of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change at the LSE. "We need to find ways
- to extract payment from those who cause that damage and then use that money to fund developing nations
- so that they can protect themselves from the worst effects of global warming."
And to raise those funds the Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing has made clear that it will consider everything – from placing levies on international aviation and shipping,
- to enlarging carbon markets, introducing financial transaction taxes and using the International Monetary Fund's special reserve currency.
You name it and it will be run up the flagpole – for success in establishing a developing world finance plan is now considered crucial to the success of next December's UN climate change meeting in Mexico.
- "Finance is a prerequisite for a climate agreement," said Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climage Change, on Friday. (Who asked him?)
"Developing countries are very sensitive about this. Talks will collapse without strong and secure financing in place.""...
- by Paul Harris, John Vidal, and Robin McKie, "The trillion-dollar question is: who will now lead the climate battle?"
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