Tuesday, September 6, 2011

To EJ Dionne, Jr.: You have it exactly backwards. Many people came to this country to escape hopeless, joyless public sector lives

A newspaper reporter is not a risk taker. If things go wrong he has an organization to fall back on. The private sector takes risks and creates the money to pay salaries and benefits of the public sector. At least that was the idea before 'crony capitalism' took over.

8/10/11, "Dionne: Every Time We Add Private Sector Jobs, We're Losing Public Jobs," RealClearPolitics, MSNBC

"E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post: "And this recent, you know, unpleasantness on the stock market, what's happening in Europe tells us that growth is the issue.... Every time we add private sector jobs, we're losing state and local jobs. Put it together, put it to the Congress, and if they want to vote against it, let them, but he's got to take leadership.....""

via mention on Best of Mark Levin

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