Monday, March 17, 2025

US habitually ignores views of the Russian people who continue to strongly support Pres. Putin per Levada Poll through Feb. 2025


Levada Poll, Putin’s Approval Rating Aug. 1999-thru Feb. 2025. Rating of 88 in Feb. 2025 is only one point below all time high of 89 in 2015 (hover on graph at link). Chart below also shows current 88 rating:


Levada Methodology

“Quantitative surveys

These surveys allow a quantitative assessment on a limited number of questions from a large number of respondents. The information obtained is processed using statistical methods. The survey data collected from a representative sample enables us to extend the results to the entire population of the studied group. We conduct interviews using a formalized, structured questionnaire with closed and open-ended questions. The Levada Center uses various methods of quantitative data collection.

We recommend surveys by the method of personal interviews in the respondent’s home (CAPI / with tablets) for complex projects that require a detailed dialogue with respondents. Such projects require longer interviews that may include experimental questions with many options administered to samples of different complexity levels. Tablet technologies allow us to demonstrate visual content, which makes it easier for respondents to understand text or graphic information….

Telephone surveys (CATI) are perfect for quick measurements on simple short questionnaires. In a telephone survey, we can call randomly dialed phone numbers (RDD), numbers provided by the client or that of different target groups (including entrepreneurs, people living in a certain territory, high-income groups  or groups categorized by different interests).

Online surveys (CAWI) are convenient for studying customer behavior and testing narratives or visual content. This method is applied to research target groups, where it is not necessary to extrapolate findings to the adult population of the country as a whole, but it is important to determine the differences in the reactions of different segments or to identify dominant opinions.”…




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