Thursday, July 4, 2024

Margaret Thatcher sold imperial UK notion that Russians were inherently inferior to British. UK elites thought it was totally unfair for Russia to have so many natural resources while refusing to be colonized and looted by "the West"


British Cecil Rhodes, founder of “Rhodes Scholarships” in 1902, sought "absorption" of uncivilized world under rule of British Empire including "recovery" of US...American "Rhodes Scholars" include Bill Clinton and Rachel Maddow....Image: 1.6 million "fully human" Russian people gather in 1991 in Moscow, Russia, to enjoy a rock concert by Metallica. 

5/25/24, “Margaret Thatcher On Why We Hate Russia, Mark Wauck, Meaning in History substack

“I’m not sure when this address was delivered by Thatcher, but I’m guessing it was at some point in the late stages of the Cold War. What’s notable to me is that lurking behind the words is simply another version of the imperial notion of the White Man’s Burdenthe notion

that We are inherently superior, a more fully human form of life,

the carriers of a Manifest Destiny

to rule the lower forms of human life.

Thatcher clearly divides the world into

two forms of human existence. 

We are rich because we are inherently superior—

not because we colonized the world by force of arms.

The Russians are poor

because they are a lower form of human life.

As such, it is up to them

to submit to our rule

and surrender their resources.

Am I exaggerating, reading too much into Thatcher’s words? In the light of previous history, from the end of the Napoleonic Wars onward, I don’t think so.

Thatcher was heir to the imperial British ambition of the Anglo-Zionist empire.

The history of the British imperial project, as Jeffery Sachs and many others have pointed out,

revolved in great part around the idea of

containing Russia, preventing Russia from expanding toward British controlled parts of the world—especially India.

The end of WW1 saw the rise of the Anglosphere, with

the tentative entry of America into the Anglo-Zionist empire.

The American progressives under Wilson had their own ideas about remaking the world order, but

initially entered the British project of taking over Russia—

a project that ended in disaster.

Since the end of the Cold War

that project has been revived,

shifting once again from containment

to active aggression

aimed at subjugation and looting.

It’s easy enough to see in the current crisis a crisis of identity and of confidence in the Anglo-Zionist empire.

The true believers, the Neocons,

are convinced that the rise of Russian and Chinese untermenschen is

a fluke, a blip on the screen of history

that can’t possibly endure.

Because. It’s Us and Them,

and We deserve to rule—

all we need to do is to pursue our proxy wars to their conclusion,

because We can’t possibly lose.

Because its Us.

Then we loot the subjugated pretenders to sovereignty that have been put in their places.

I’d very much like to see someone running for office who could place all this in perspective for America going forward. I fear that

waging war, beyond the inherent dehumanizing immorality of

our wars of choice,

will not get us out of the debt trap we’ve constructed for ourselves. We will default because there’s no way out of this maze. Putin sees an era of conflict ahead, possibly resulting from the flailing of collapsing empire. Who in American public life has a credible vision of

a constructive future to offer?

So I offer this brief tweet and transcript in support of yesterday’s Russophobia And Its Consequences:

Arthur Morgan @ArthurM40330824

#Thatcher explained why #London, and now the #EU, hate #Russia because Russia has all the resources and because Russians have refused to be colonized by the #West since the 1700s.

The most creative description of

the desire to steal.

[Video of Margaret Thatcher]

4:02 PM · May 24, 2024


If you were to make a table of all the nations in proportion to the natural resources they have, the top one would almost certainly be Russia. She has everything. Oil, gas, diamonds, platinum, gold, silver, all the industrial metals, marvellous standing timber, a wonderfully rich soil. But countries are not rich in proportion to their natural resources. Countries are rich whose governments have policies which encourage the essential creativity, initiative and enterprise of man and recognize his desire to do better for his family.

One wonders. Did Thatcher really believe that the 

governments of the Anglo-Zionist empire really have those seemingly

noble goals at heart?

We know better, now….

We the People are considered to be subjects of the imperial project,

to be subjugated for the good of the rulers.”…


Added: Mismatch:

Reagan and Mrs. Thatcher's 1980s merger of conservatism and neo-liberalism turned out to be a disaster for human beings: "Neo-liberalism spilled over from the economic arena into the political, social and cultural zones....The state expanded its role into more and more areas of life....Children have been nationalised, subjected to state-sponsored sexualisation and brainwashing, with their parents sidelined....Conservatism found it had made a largely incompatible marriage."...9/23/2015, Gerald Warner


Added: British Cecil Rhodes, founder of “Rhodes Scholarships,praised the white race and said “recovery” of United States by British Empire was necessary: In his [1902] will Cecil left a fortune in excess of £3 million to fund the famous Rhodes scholarships that  

enable students, primarily from former British territories, 

to study at Oxford University.” (American Rhodes Scholars include Bill Clinton and Rachel Maddow). Cecil Rhodes, “Confession of Faith” (1877):

“I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by the most despicable specimens of human beings what an alteration there would be if they were brought under Anglo-Saxon influence, look again at the extra employment a new country added to our dominions gives. I contend that every acre added to our territory means in the future birth to some more of the English race who otherwise would not be brought into existence. Added to this the

absorption of the greater portion of the world under our rule simply means the end of all wars….

Why should we not form a secret society

with but one object

the furtherance of the British Empire and the

bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule

for the recovery of the United States

for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire.

What a dream, but yet it is probable, it is possible….I leave all my worldly goods in trust…to try to form such a Society with such a object.”…

Source: “Document: Cecil Rhodes, “Confession of Faith” (1877)

Source: John E. Flint, Cecil Rhodes (Boston: Little Brown, 1974), pp. 248-52.”

Wikipedia partial list of Rhodes Scholars 1904-2023….Partial list of US recipients including Bill Clinton and Rachel Maddow at end of this post.


Added: US early 20th century moves toward Imperialism:

The larger significance of USA Secretary of State John Hay at the turn of the 20th century derived from the way he helped re-orient early 20th-century US policy toward international outreach, IE=Imperialism


Added: Partial list of American “Rhodes Scholars,“ Americans who accepted scholarships set up by British imperialist Cecil Rhodes to study at Oxford in United Kingdom include Bill Clinton and Rachel Maddow:

Pete Buttigieg (Former candidate for US president, heavily endorsed by “security” bureaucrats, current Biden Sec. of Transportation)

Michael Barr (Obama official)
Cory Booker (Democrat US Senator from NJ)
Bill Bradley
Sylvia Matthews Burwell (Clinton and Obama official)
Ash Carter (Obama Def. Sec.)
Wesley Clark, (Democrat military, ethanol lobbyist)
Bill Clinton
Jared Cohen (Google, CFR, advisor to Condoleezza Rice and Hillary)
Charles Collingwood, (CBS News reporter, OBE from the Queen, 1975)
L. Gordon Crovitz-(Became publisher of Wall St. Journal, later co-founded NewsGuard)
EJ Dionne, Jr. (WaPo)
Hedley Donovan (Time Editor)
Ronald Dworkin (liberal theorist)
James Fallows (Atlantic columnist, Jimmy Carter speech writer)
Ronan Farrow
Russ Feingold (Democrat former US Senator, Wisconsin)
J. William Fulbright (Dem. extreme globalist)
Eric Garcetti (Mayor of LA)
Elliott Gerson (Exec. VP of Aspen Institute)
Richard N. Haass (CFR Pres., various State and Def. Depts.)
Griffith R. Harsh (neurosurgeon and husband of Meg Whitman)
Walter Isaacson (CNN, Time, Aspen Institute)
Ben Jealous (former NAACP pres.)
Bobby Jindal (former weak GOP politician)
Nicholas Katzenbach (LBJ AG)  
Andy Kim (Obama official, NJ Dem. Rep)
Frank Klotz (Obama and Trump official)
Nicholas Kristof (NY Times)
Kris Kristofferson
Senator Dick Lugar (Extreme globalist GOP Sen., Awarded OBE by the Queen in 2015)
Rachel Maddow
Ira Magaziner (Clinton Foundation)
Michael McFaul (Anti Putin, Obama appointee, Bush 2 advisor, WaPo columnist)
Terrence Malick
Tom Malinowski (Obama admin.)
Christopher Murray (global data, Bill Gates’ IHME, WHO)
Joseph Nye (Clinton admin., creator of neoliberalism theory)
Franklin Raines (Bill Clinton official, Fannie Mae exec.)
Bruce Reed (longtime Dem. operative)
Susan Rice
Robert Reich (Clinton admin)
Dean Rusk (Sec. of State for JFK and LBJ, promoted US military in Vietnam)
Larry Sabato
Senator Paul Sarbanes (Dem. Senator 30 yrs.)
David Souter (GHW Bush Supreme Court appointee)

Richard Stengel (Time Mg. Editor, Obama admin.)

George Stephanopoulos
Strobe Talbott (Clinton admin.)

Stansfield Turner (As CIA Director under Jimmy Carter, began covert US taxpayer funded support for Afghanistan Islamists}



Image: 1991, Moscow, Russia, Tushino Air Field: 1.6 million Russian people enjoy a rock concert by Metallica. Here, the group performs, "Enter Sandman." Word is out: Russians are quite human.



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