Sunday, June 19, 2022

Russia is just the cleaner doing a dirty job that humanity needs done: exposing US-UK depravity and ending its war crimes-Moon of Alabama commenter Red Ryder, 6/18/22


6/18/22, “Ukraine – The West’s Response As It Meets With Reality,” Moon of Alabama

The ‘west’ in its arrogance has for far too long listened to fake ‘experts’ like those at the CSIS [Center for Strategic & International Studies].”...


Best among many excellent comments: Russia is just the cleaner doing a dirty job that humanity needs done.”


Ukraine is not a tragedy. It passed through that stage long ago. Ukraine is a comedy. It has a clown President and a vaudeville show in Kiev/Lviv. It’s theme is Nazism. It’s leitmotif is Russophobia.

Each city, the major ones, has junior mafiosi running the shows,

entrenched in corruption,

selling off weapons as soon as they arrive,

grain shipped away while millions don’t get a loaf from the harvest,

and teroborona [volunteer civilian fighters] armed with guns turning every citizen into a target of internal enforcement of their loyalty.

It’s all packaged and produced by buffoons like Johnson of UK and Blinken-Biden-Austin of USA.

Tell me it’s not a comedy.

Blood, rape and mayhem, war crimes

and inhumanity

are ignored by the West,

except in feeble attempts to cast blame for those evils on Russia.

It’s travesty gone psycho.

The bitter fruit of the degeneracy of the West,

the end of a civilization.

Russia is just the cleaner doing

a dirty job that humanity needs done.”


“Posted by: Red Ryder | Jun 18 2022 17:53 utc | 6″




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