Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Science denial can be dangerous for humanity when LA Times engages in it. Contrary to LA Times, Covid Tracking Project shows draconian lockdowns by California government made no difference at all to the virus-2/1/21, Ian graphs


2/1/21, I know that the term misinformation is unbelievably overused at this point, but this is legitimately misinformation. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that anything that California [government] did made any difference at all. This story is indefensible and dangerously misleading:” ianmSC twitter. Data source, Covid Tracking Project. 14 day avg.

Above, 2/1/21: Los Angeles Times @latimes, 11 hrs ago. There is increasing evidence that California’s latest stay-at-home order, including a ban on outdoor dining, worked to turn around a deadly surge of the coronavirus.latimes.com/california/sto


2/1/21, “And I forgot to mention this, but the 14-day average of cases in California peaked on 1/17, literally 42 days after their stay at home order. LA closed outdoor dining even earlier, on 11/25 so it took 53 days to work after the biggest city and Covid “epicenter” closed dining," ianmsctwitter

Above, 2/1/21, ianmsctwitter, data source, NY Times



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