Thursday, August 2, 2012

Rush Limbaugh has some Chick Fil A on Chick Fil A Appreciation Day


8/2/12, "Reveling in the Chick-fil-A Revolution,"

"RUSH: Kathryn went by Chick-fil-A yesterday afternoon after the program. She went in there and, like everybody else, she was stunned at the crowds -- they were huge -- and all of the political discussion going on inside the place. She said, "That's all anybody was talking about, was politics." Anyway, she bought some Chick-fil-A stuff. She brought it home. She brought it into the library.... She sat down there at my desk and we snapped a bunch of pictures and picked a couple of them and posted them at and put 'em on our Facebook page. You can go take a look at 'em. I'm too famous to go to a Chick-fil-A, so Kathryn went in there and brought the stuff home. "...

photos from

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