Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How the left won Colorado--rich guys made politics private

The 2006 and 2008 election cycles were unkind to the Republican Party, but

Of course they were aided by the new campaign finance reform laws, but what the “Gang of Four” (Rutt Bridges, Tim Gill, Jared Polis and Pat Stryker) did was replicate all of the essential functions of the Colorado Democratic Party–and added a few more for good measure.

To understand what happened in Colorado is to understand the future of state-level politics, but I think the future of American politics as a whole: I’m convinced that what the Left did in Colorado at the state-level can be done on a national level by creating a conservative privatized political infrastructure.

how national politics is changing as well."...

  • from, nedryun
Along these lines, George Soros gave $5 million to pass Obama health care. 8/10/09 Plum Line

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