Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Unrequited love, Obama stunning reluctance to engage with press, Q&A with reporters, Bush 354, Clinton 612, Obama 107-Politico

1/15/13, "Obama ends term with fewer pressers than Bush or Clinton," Politico, Donovan Slack

"President Barack Obama ad fewer press conferences during his first term than George W. Bush, Bill Clinton or George H.W. Bush.

Presidential scholar Martha Joynt Kumar did the math and found that with Monday's conference, Obama has done a total of 79 over four years.

That's 10 fewer than George W. Bush, 54 fewer than Clinton and 63 fewer than George H.W. Bush....

Press conferences are one measure of a president's openness not only to the press but to the public he serves.

"They represent an important opportunity to explain their policies and their actions, as well as their goals," Kumar said.

Here's her breakdown:

"TOTAL NEWS CONFERENCES (Including joint appearances with foreign leaders)

President Obama - 79
President George W. Bush - 89
President Bill Clinton - 133
President George H. W. Bush - 143
President Reagan - 27


President Obama - 107
President George W. Bush - 354
President Clinton 612
President George H. W. Bush - 313
President Reagan - 158"


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