Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Obama’s use of Kiddie Human Shields at his gun show deflects legitimate criticism just as use of child soldiers prevents adult soldiers from fighting back

1/16/13, "Obama’s Kiddie Human Shields ," Michelle Malkin, NRO

"The president trots out children to deflect legitimate criticism."

"The president of the United States will release a binder full of new gun-control executive orders on Wednesday. Instead of standing alone, bearing full responsibility for the imperial actions he is about to take, President Obama will surround himself with an audience of kids who wrote to him after the Newtown, Conn., school massacre. This is the most cynical in Beltway theatrical staging — a feckless attempt to invoke immunity by intoning “it’s for the children” 

and hiding behind them.
What has happened to the deliberative process in this country? Public debate in Washington has deteriorated into Sesame Street sing-alongs. We are already inundated with logical fallacies: argumentum ad populum (it’s popular, therefore it’s true); argumentum ad nauseam 
(if you repeat it often enough, it will become truth);  
argumentum ad hominem (sabotage the person to sabotage the truth); and argumentum ad verecundiam (if my favorite authority says it’s true, it’s true).
To that list we can now add argumentum ad filios: If politicians appeal to the children, it’s unassailably good and true. The Obama White House has shamelessly employed this kiddie human-shield strategy at every turn to blunt substantive criticism and dissent."...
Citation that use of child soldiers is a 'deterrent for any invading force':
1/14/13, French strikes in Mali supplant caution of US,”  NY Times, Adam Nossiter, Eric Schmitt and Mark Mazzetti
"Some experts said that the foreign troops might easily retake the large towns in northern Mali, but that Islamist fighters have forced children to fight for them, a deterrent for any invading force, and would likely use bloody insurgency tactics."...(item end of p. 2)
Children used to sell global warming at Copenhagen 'Climate Summit' in 2009:
12/11/2009, "Out of the mouths of babes come a conniving adult’s words," Herald Sun (Au.), Andrew Bolt

"The Copenhagen meeting opened with a video of terrified children begging adults to stop global warming. Green fanatic Clive Hamilton writes creepy letters to my children to make them scared, too. A crying 18-year-old confronts Canada’s chief negotiator at a Copenhagen briefing (?). The Age today publishes an op-ed allegedly written by a 17-year-old who says she is also “scared”, and wants “a climate agreement”.
There is something profoundly immoral about terrifiying children for a political cause, and something profoundly anti-intellectual in demanding adults then heed the children’s cries to settle immensely complex questions of science and economics.
This tactic alone suggests on which side of this debate reason lies." 


Ed. note: Sorry for white patches along text of this post. It was done by my longtime hackers.


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