Wednesday, January 16, 2013

GOP County Chair in Texas quits, says GOP is 'beyond repair,' final straws were re-electing Joe Straus in Texas and Boehner in DC, supported GOP for 33 yrs.

1/15/13, "Smith County (Texas) Republican Chairman Oravetz quits; GOP is beyond repair',, Adam Russell

"Smith County Republican Chairman Ashton Oravetz announced he will resign as of Friday because the GOP is “beyond repair.”

I can no longer in good conscience tell individuals to give any more money to the national or state Republican parties or vote straight Republican,” he said.

After 33 years supporting the GOP, Oravetz said he will become more involved with Grassroots America — We the People, a local conservative political action committee, and other “liberty movement” groups, including the Tea Party, Constitutionalists and Ron Paul supporters. He served five years as county chairman.

Oravetz said he expects an exodus by other GOP county chairmen.

“I am not retiring,” he said. “Instead I will double-down and work to elect conservatives with principle who want to save this country.”

Oravetz said the Republican Party is “at war.” He said the party's base, the party workers and ardent conservatives, are incensed with the GOP establishment, which is driven by money, power and crony capitalists.

Smith County Republican Club President David Stein said Oravetz served the county and GOP voters well over his tenure. 

“I think, like a lot of people, he is fed up with all of them,” he said....

Political analyst and publisher of the Quorum Report Harvey Kronberg said Tea Party-type activists are a “component” of a split GOP base....

Kronberg said the GOP base ranges from evangelicals, single-issue (such as abortion or guns) voters and moderates and that there is no central voice that unites the factions.

There are so many philosophical threads that (the GOP) is in disarray and while its base is vocal, it is a shrinking base proportionate to the rest of the country,” he said....

Oravetz said the final straw was the re-election of both U.S. House Speaker John Boehner and Texas House Speaker Joe Straus.

The party doesn't stand for anything anymore. It has a good platform, but the establishment doesn't stand for its principles,” he said. 

“The long-term goal will be to replace the Republican Party.

Oravetz said the election of Ted Cruz to the U.S. Senate was a message to the national and statewide GOP that the conservative base and liberty movement is growing rather than fading. He said established Republicans are “scared” and will make efforts to strengthen their appeal to conservatives....

Oravetz said his goal is to see Constitutional conservatives who are more interested in what is right for the country rather than their personal or political careers.

We need politicians with the character and conviction of those who signed the Declaration of Independence,” he said. “They put their sacred honor, fortunes and lives on the line for liberty.”"
via Free Republic


Ashton Oravetz, courtesy photo


State and National GOP strongly backed Texas Lt. Gov. Dewhurst over Ted Cruz for US Senate. Ted Cruz won decisively. The simple fact is the establishment GOP stands for nothing, has openly joined forces with democrats against a common enemy, we the people:

7/31/12, "Ted Cruz Defeats David Dewhurst In Texas Senate Runoff," AP, Huffington Post, Weissert

"Tea party darling Ted Cruz convincingly defeated the Republican establishment favorite, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, in Texas' runoff election Tuesday, capturing the GOP nomination to replace retiring U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison as fiercely conservative voters shook one of America's reddest states to its political core.

The race had been closely watched nationally as one of the most-vivid contrasts between the GOP mainstream and grass-roots, conservative activists. But as results began to pour in, it turned out to be no contest. Cruz completed the upset by grabbing advantages in key cities around the state where Dewhurst had once enjoyed stronger name recognition, fundraising and political organization.

"We are witnessing a great awakening," Cruz told cheering supporters in Houston shortly after Dewhurst called him to concede. "Millions of Texans, millions of Americans are rising up to reclaim our country, to defend liberty and to restore the Constitution."...

Dewhurst had the endorsement of much of Texas' Republican mainstream, including Gov. Rick Perry, who despite his failed run for president is still widely popular back home. He also had a $200 million personal fortune he could dip into and did, loaning his Senate campaign at least $24.5 million....

The 41-year-old Cruz had never run for political office but bolstered his political credentials arguing in front of the state Supreme Court as the longest-serving solicitor general in Texas history....

Dewhurst also was endorsed by former baseball great Nolan Ryan, as well as former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert, who finished third in the Republican primary, and ex-NFL running back and ESPN commentator Craig James, the primary's fourth-place primary finisher. None of it was enough.

Cruz was endorsed by ex-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, radio talk show host Glen Beck, U.S. Sens. Jim DeMint of South Carolina and Kentucky's Rand Paul, as well as former GOP presidential hopeful and Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.

"The message of this race couldn't be clearer for the political establishment: the Tea Party is alive and well and we will not settle for business as usual," Palin said via Facebook."...


1/14/13, Obama and Moderate Republicans See Conservatives as Common Enemy,” Rush Limbaugh transcript


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