Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Trump is not a cult figure, he’s popular because he happens to agree with 75 million Americans. The Republican Party never produced such a person. They haven’t wanted to-Rush Limbaugh, 1/20/21


1/20/21, “The Democrats Will Overstep,” Rush Limbaugh

“For Donald Trump to remain as popular as he is is unlike anything we have seen in American politics….Trump is not a cult figure. He is not popular because his ideas are unique.

He’s not popular because he’s brave. He’s popular because finally there was somebody in American politics who happens to agree with 75 million Americans. The Republican Party was never able to produce such a person.They haven’t wanted to. Donald Trump did it on his own.”…


Added: Rush Limbaugh related link The Establishment Thinks They Have Their Power Back–But They Know It’s Tenuous – 01.20.21

“Here’s Stephanopoulos’ report about how happy everybody was on that stage.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Barack Obama is a happy man today! You can definitely see that right there. A lot of fist bumps, a lot of elbow bumps.

BYRON PITTS: In watching this moment, today’s inauguration felt more like a church service.

RUSH: What?

BYRON PITTS: Right? And we see there that like after a good sermon, the congregation doesn’t want to go home, right? People are still huggin’, shaking hands. And I thought from Joe Biden today, certainly he was commander-in-chief. There was also papa-in-chief. He gave a speech to comfort the nation.

RUSH: What the hell is with these Democrats and every one of their leaders must be a parent? Joe Biden was papa-in-chief? I don’t need the Washington establishment to me my dad. I certainly don’t need Biden to be my dad. I don’t need any of those people to be my dad. But you heard ’em. Oh, they were so happy! This is the media projecting.

It was the media that was happy. The media finally got what they failed to pull off for four years. They finally got rid of Trump, in their minds. These people were hugging; they were kissing each other. Nobody was worried about getting COVID. But their restaurants are still shut down. In blue states, blue cities, their restaurants are still shut down.

So, “it was like a church service,” except these people, as you well know, have no love lost for religion. So why are we told that this inauguration ceremony was that? “Ah, it looked like a church service out there, felt more like a church service.” How would they know? “Like a good sermon, the congregation doesn’t want to go home.”

No, the congregation wants to be the first in line at the restaurant after the sermon, but the restaurant’s closed because of COVID-19. So they have to hang around. No, they’re hanging around ’cause they’re still not really convinced it’s real. “Did we really do this? Did this really happen?””…




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