Thursday, January 21, 2021

Media imagines Biden’s “embrace:” “Lights shooting out from Lincoln Memorial along the reflecting pool, it’s like extensions of Joe Biden’s arms embracing America.” For Obama in 2008, lovesick media said glow of lights "whispered, we have our country back”


1/20/21, CNN gushes about Biden: “Lights shooting out from Lincoln Memorial along the reflecting pool, it’s like extensions of Joe Biden’s arms embracing America.”:

Above, 1/20/21, Daily Caller twitter


Added: Obama’s 2008 election “cast a glow over the Lincoln Memorial,” whispering, “Everything’s okay now–we have our country back.


Nov. 17, 2008, The New Yorker cover that ran immediately after Obama won in Nov. 2008: “The illustration by Bob Staake shows the moon cleverly hollowed out to form the O in the magazine’s nameand in the president-elect’s–casting its glow over the Lincoln Memorial. (I’m not sure the columns would reflect like that, but, hey, it’s artistic license.) Why is the cover great? It doesn’t do a victory dance. Rather, it whispers to the reader (the tribe): “Everything’s okay now–we have our country back.The legendary illustrator and designer Milton Glaser often refers to the readers of a magazine as a “tribe.” Certainly few magazines demonstrate this idea better than The New Yorker, which tailors its content and editorial posture for readers of a certain mindset, regardless of where they live. This self-awareness gives The New Yorker great freedom on its covers, allowing them to speak in code to the members of the tribe. It leverages that freedom beautifully, and this list could easily be filled with just its covers. But I’ll stick to one: the cover that ran immediately after [Obama won] the [2008] presidential election. The illustration by Bob Staake shows the moon cleverly hollowed out to form the O in the magazine’s name — and in the president-elect’s—casting its glow over the Lincoln Memorial. (I’m not sure the columns would reflect like that, but, hey, it’s artistic license.) Why is the cover great? It doesn’t do a victory dance. Rather, it whispers to the reader (the tribe): Everything’s okay now–we have our country back.” It’s set at night, a time when creepy things happen, but also a time when people sleep, safe and sound. It is beautifully rendered. Simply spectacular.”


Added: “Safe and sound?” Obama sold more weapons worldwide “than any US administration since World War II” but no one talked about it:

7/30/2016, The US Government Is Literally Arming the World, and Nobody’s Even Talking About It, Mother Jones, William Hartung

“During President Obama’s first six years in office, Washington entered into agreements to sell more than $190 billion in weaponry worldwide—more, that is, than any US administration since World War II. In addition, Team Obama has loosened restrictions on arms exports, making it possible to send abroad a whole new range of weapons and weapons components—including Black Hawk and Huey helicopters and engines for C-17 transport planes—with far less scrutiny than was previously required.”


Added: Apparently to AP battered wives, “getting their country back” meant a record setting lack of transparency in government:

3/14/2017, Obama admin spent $36 million on lawsuits [in his final year alone] to keep info secret,” AP

“The Obama administration in its final year in office spent a record $36.2 million on legal costs defending its refusal to turn over federal records under the Freedom of Information Act, according to an Associated Press analysis of new U.S. data that also showed poor performance in other categories measuring transparency in government.
For a second consecutive year, the Obama administration set a record for times federal employees told citizens, journalists and others that despite searching they couldn’t find a single page of files that were requested.And it set records for outright denial of access to files, refusing to quickly consider requests described as especially newsworthy, and forcing people to pay for records who had asked the government to waive search and copy fees.”…




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