Saturday, July 11, 2020

NY State finds some Covid tests mistake virus-killing antibodies that immune systems develop for active infection. As a result of this finding, Suffolk County, NY removed 2105 false positive tests from its tally-Newsday, 6/3/20

“Suffolk County [New York State] executive “attributed the decline to removing from previous counts the results of tests for virus-killing antibodies that patients’ immune systems develop after becoming infected.”…6/3/20
Neil Ferguson, the single reason for US lockdown, himself believes in and practices herd immunity:“I acted in the belief that I was immune, having tested positive for coronavirus, and completely isolated myself for almost two weeks after developing symptoms," he added.”…

June 3, 2020, New Suffolk virus tracking system leads to reduction of 2,105 positive tests, Newsday, Matt Clark

“Using a new state tracking system, Suffolk County officials released updated coronavirus case totals for each county community Wednesday for the first time since May 25.

The new system allowed Suffolk to weed out numerous inapplicable test results, officials said, causing a reduction of 2,105 in the cumulative tally of county infections assigned to communities since the pandemic began. 

The Suffolk County executive’s office attributed the decline to removing from previous counts the results of tests for virus-killing antibodies that patients’ immune systems develop after becoming infected. 

“The reduction seen in cumulative numbers is a result of the new map being able to filter out positive antibody test results,“ said Derek Poppe, a spokesman for County Executive Steve Bellone.

This is in line with how New York State reports their numbers and is the recognized best practice.””…

Added: CDC published data says Covid epidemic in US has ended. Per CDC 7/3/20 chart below, US is at 2018 levels:

July 3, 2020, “CovidView Weekly Summary,” 

Lower left of chart in 2018 when no epidemic existed is labeled “Epidemic Threshold.” Follow red line across to right side of chart to July 2020. The red line today is in the same place it was with no epidemic in 2018.

To see this chart on CDC website, scroll to near end of page. “Mortality surveillance:” 

“The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) collects death certificate data from vital statistics offices for all deaths occurring in the United States. Based on death certificate data available on July 2, 2020, 5.9% of all deaths occurring during the week ending June 27, 2020 (week 26) were due to [one of three causes:] pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC). This is the tenth consecutive week of a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC. The percentage is equal to the epidemic threshold of 5.9% for week 26.” 

Translation of “Epidemic threshold: Point when it’s no longer an epidemic, as is clearly visible on above CDC chart. According to CDC chart, US has as much “epidemic” today as it did in 2018. 

At top of page: Key Updates for Week 26, ending June 27, 2020″…“Mortality attributed to COVID-19 decreased compared to last week and is currently at the epidemic threshold.”…

Added: 63% herd immunity stopped the Zika virus in Brazil: 

How Do You Achieve Herd Immunity?: You can develop resistance naturally. When your body is exposed to a virus or bacteria, it makes antibodies to fight off the infection. When you recover, your body keeps these antibodies. Your body will defend against another infection. This is what stopped the Zika virus outbreak in Brazil. Two years after the outbreak began, 63% of the population had had exposure to the virus. Researchers think the community reached the right level for herd immunity.”



If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?”. 

CDC published data makes clear that 2020 US epidemic is over, but no one in authority acknowledges it. If the NY Times doesn’t cheer the news, headlining it on the front page above the fold, does it mean the science didn’t happen? Does it mean the world won’t know the truth?...image credit


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