Friday, July 10, 2020

Circuit Court Judge temporarily restrains Kentucky Gov. Beshear from blanket Covid Exec. Orders, must meet criteria. Doesn't Beshear know that US is no longer in an epidemic as of 7/3/20 per CDC? Is Beshear a 'science denier?'


CDC chart: As of 7/3/20, epidemic no longer exists in US. To see this chart on CDC website, scroll to end of page.

July 9, 2020, Scott Circuit Judge grants statewide temporary restraining order against Gov. Beshear,” 

“Attorney General Daniel Cameron announced on Thursday that a Scott Circuit Judge ordered Gov. Andy Beshear to cease issuing or enforcing executive orders related to COVID-19 unless the orders meet specific criteria for an emergency as outlined by state law. The Judge stated that, in order to issue and enforce executive orders related to COVID-19, the Governor must specify the state of emergency that requires the executive order, the location of the emergency, and the name of the local emergency management agency that has determined that the emergency is beyond its capabilities. 

“The Governor cannot issue broad, arbitrary executive orders apart from the requirements of state law, and the Judge agreed by today issuing a statewide temporary restraining order,” said Attorney General Cameron. “This is a clear win for the rule of law and will help Kentucky families and businesses across the Commonwealth who have suffered and continue to suffer financial losses and economic hardship because of the Governor’s executive orders.” 

Attorney General Cameron joined the lawsuit last week, which challenges Gov. Beshear’s use of executive power during the COVID-19 pandemic and was filed by Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles and Evans Orchard and Cider Mill, LLC, an agritourism business in Georgetown. Evans Orchard instituted new public health guidelines and procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic in compliance with Governor Beshear’s executive orders, including requiring employees to wear masks, sanitation protocols for the facility, and reduced capacity to comply with social distancing. In one instance, Evans Orchard was told by the local health department that they could not allow more than 10 individuals at a time into the business’s 96,000 square foot attraction. 

The temporary restraining order issued by the Judge today also stops the enforcement of Gov. Beshear’s executive orders as they apply to Kentucky’s 548 agritourism businesses. 

Gov. Beshear is expected to give an update on new requirements in the state of Kentucky on Thursday at 4 pm.”

Added: Kentucky Gov. Beshear is apparently unaware that Covid epidemic no longer exists in the US per July 3, 2020 CDC data, chart below. Gov. Beshear orders mandatory mask wearing beginning July 10, says it’s not asking much in middle of “worldwide pandemic." But there’s no “pandemic” or even an “epidemic” in the US per CDC:
July 9, 2020, “Wearing of masks mandated in Kentucky beginning Friday," 

On 7/9/20 Beshear ordered mandatory mask wearing beginning Friday, 7/10/20, said wearing masks isn’t asking much in the midst of a “worldwide pandemic.” But there’s no “pandemic” or even an “epidemic” in the US. CDC published data states epidemic no longer exists in the US as chart below makes stunningly clear: 

July 3, 2020, “CovidView Weekly Summary,” 

CDC chart above: Lower left of chart in 2018 when no epidemic existed is labeled “Epidemic Threshold. Follow red line across to right side of chart to July 2020. The red line today is in the same place it was with no epidemic in 2018: 

To see above chart on CDC website, scroll to near end of page:

 “Mortality surveillance:” 

“The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) collects death certificate data from vital statistics offices for all deaths occurring in the United States. Based on death certificate data available on July 2, 2020, 5.9% of all deaths occurring during the week ending June 27, 2020 (week 26) were due to [one of three causes:] pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC). This is the tenth consecutive week of a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC. The percentage is equal to the epidemic threshold of 5.9% for week 26.” 

Translation of “Epidemic threshold: Point when it’s no longer an epidemic, as is clearly visible on above CDC chart. 

According to CDC chart, US has as much “epidemic” today as it did in 2018. 

At top of page: “Key Updates for Week 26, ending June 27, 2020″ 

“Mortality attributed to COVID-19 decreased compared to last week and is currently at the epidemic threshold.”…

Bonus: Also from CDC, for children (0-17 years) hospitalization rates for Covid are much lower than hospitalization rates for ordinary influenza: 

July 3, 2020, “CovidView Weekly Summary,” 

(subhead) “Key points” 

(scroll down):For children (0-17 years), cumulative COVID-19 hospitalization rates are much lower than cumulative influenza hospitalization rates at comparable time points* during recent influenza seasons….“*Number of weeks since 10% of specimens tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 and influenza, respectively.”…



If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?”….If CDC data stunningly makes clear that the 2020 US epidemic is over, but no one in authority acknowledges it, if the NY Times doesn’t cheer the news, headlining it on its front page above the fold, does it mean the data didn’t happen? Does it mean the world won’t know the truth?...image credit


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