Wednesday, November 20, 2019

So-called Anti-Terrorist Coalition that met in Washington on Nov. 14 included major terror sponsors such as US and Saudi, the two most responsible for organization and arming of ISIS and other terror groups-Manlio Dinucci, Voltaire

Russia is the only country that defeated terrorists in Syria. Syria’s president maintains his right to expel terrorists from his country and to rescue millions of Syrians trapped under US-backed terrorist rule in Idlib in place since 2015. Trump is a loud human shield for terrorists in Syria, has threatened “massive attack” on Syria if its president merely tries to remove terrorists and rescue millions of Syrians trapped in terrorist ruled Idlib. Trump has also falsely and without evidence or reason called Assad “an animal,” for which Trump should long ago have apologized. As to “humanitarian aid,” US gives billions in aid but only to terrorist held areas. Further, US promises to punish any nation that helps Syria rebuild after 8+ years of US-backed war unless “regime change” takes place.

11/19/19, “Italy in the Coalition “antiterrorist”,” Manlio Dinucci, Voltaire

The Anti-Terrorist Coalition met on 14 November 2019 in Washington, at the express request of [terror sponsor] France, overwhelmed by the US turnaround in Syria. This meeting did not change the game of the [terror sponsor] United States and their allies, but it allowed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to put the French back in their place as mere performers. It is also an opportunity for Manlio Dinucci to take stock of the exploits of this Coalition.” 

“[Italy] Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, welcoming in Rome the five wounded soldiers in Iraq, said that “the Italian state will never retreat one centimeter from the terrorist threat and will react with all its force against those who sow terror. He then flew to Washington to attend the small group meeting of the Global Coalition against Daesh [ISIS]” which includes, under US leadership, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and other countries that have supported Daesh / Isis and similar terrorist formations, providing them with weapons and training (as we have documented here). 

The Coalition--which includes NATO, the European Union, the Arab League, the Community of Sahel / Sahara States and Interpol, plus 76 unique states--claims in its November 14 communique “to have liberated Iraq and northeastern Syria control Daesh / Isis “, while it is clear that Coalition forces voluntarily left their hands free to Daesh / Isis [ 1 ]. [“Northeastern Syria,” isn’t “liberated,since US illegally occupies it].

This terrorist formation and some others were beaten only when Russia intervened militarily in support of the Syrian government forces. The Coalition also claims to have “provided $ 20 billion in humanitarian and stabilization assistance to the people of Iraq and Syria, and trained and equipped more than 220,000 security forces to stabilize local communities.” The purpose of this “assistance” is not, in fact, the stabilization, but the continual destabilization of Iraq and Syria, with the instrumental support especially of the various components of Kurdish independence, to disintegrate these national states, to control their territory and their energy reserves. 

As part of this strategy, Italy, defined as “one of the largest contributors to the Coalition, is engaged in Iraq mainly in training the “Kurdish Security Forces” ( Peshmerga ), including the use of anti-tank, mortar and artillery weapons, and sniper rifles in special sniper courses. Currently operating in Iraq about 1,100 Italian soldiers, divided into various detachments in different places, equipped with more than 300 land vehicles and 12 air, for an expenditure in 2019 of 166 million euros [$183,845,000]. 

Alongside the one in Iraq is an Italian air component in Kuwait, with four Typhoon fighter-bombers, three Predator drones and a tanker plane for flight supply. In all likelihood the Italian special forces, to which belong the five wounded, participate in combat actions even if their official mission would only be training. The use of special forces is secretive in itself. It is now even more secretive because their command, the Comfose, is transferred from the Folgore barracks in Pisa to the border area of ​​the Camp Darby base, the largest US arsenal out of the motherland, where also run training activities. 

In the Coalition Italy also has the mission of co-directing the “Daesh Financial Opposition Group” with Saudi Arabia and the United States. That is to say, those who financed and organized the arming of the Isis forces and other terrorist formations [ 2].

With all these merits, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Di Maio has advanced in Washington the proposal, immediately accepted, that it is Italy that hosts the plenary meeting of the Coalition in 2020. Italy will have the honor of welcome indefatigable opponents of terrorism such as Saudi Arabia, which after financing Daesh, now spends its petrodollars to finance its terrorist war in Yemen.” 

Translation Marie-Ange Patrizio 
[ 1 ]Ministerial meeting of the International Coalition against Daesh ", Voltaire Network, November 14, 2019.    
[ 2 ] Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With Aid From CIA,” by CJ Chivers and Eric Schmitt, The New York Times,  March 14, 2013. Billions of dollars in arms against Syria,” by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, July 18, 2017.


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