Wednesday, November 20, 2019

In 2006 UK PM Tony Blair developed the “Arab Spring” plan and submitted it to the US. Obama and David Cameron implemented the plan but only partly succeeded in installing Muslim Brotherhood in broader Middle East-Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire

11/19/19, “Six Conflicting Global Projects,” Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire 

“The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” 

“When the USSR fell, the United Kingdom subscribed with reservations to the Maastricht Treaty [creating the EU]. Conservative Prime Minister John Major intended to take advantage of the supranational state under construction while keeping his currency out of the way. So he rejoiced when George Soros attacked the Pound and forced it out of the EMS (“monetary snake”). His successor, Labourist Tony Blair, restored full independence to the Bank of England and considered leaving the EU to join NAFTA. He transformed the defence of his country’s interests by substituting references to human rights for respect for international law. He promoted the US policies of Bill Clinton, then George Bush Jr., encouraging and justifying the enlargement of the European Union, the “humanitarian war” against Kosovo, and the overthrow of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. In 2006, he [Blair] developed the “Arab Spring” plan and submitted it to the United States. 

Gordon Brown hesitated to pursue this policy and tried to regain some room to manoeuvre, but his energy was caught up in the 2008 financial crisis, which he managed to get through. David Cameron implemented, with Barack Obama, the Blair-Bush plan for the “Arab Spring”, including the war against Libya, but eventually only partially succeeded in placing the Muslim Brotherhood in power in the broader Middle East. In the end, he resigned after the Brexit voters voted, when the project to join NAFTA was no longer on the agenda. 

Theresa May proposed to apply Brexit with regard to the exit of the supranational state from the Maastricht Treaty, but not with regard to the exit from the common market prior to Maastricht. She failed and was replaced by Winston Churchill’s biographer, Boris Johnson. He decided to leave the European Union completely and to reactivate the kingdom’s traditional foreign policy: the fight against any competing state on the European continent…. 

The US withdrawal from Syria, even if it was immediately corrected, indicates with certainty that Washington no longer intends to be the world’s policeman, the “necessary Empire”. It destabilized without delay all the rules of international relations. We have entered a period of transition during which each major power is pursuing a new agenda.”…

Comment: Unfortunately, the reverse is true about Washington, especially since US has succeeded in normalizing Islamic terrorism and uses terrorist headslicers to help in its “regime change” operations. The US Mass Murder and Starvation industry is the greatest US taxpayer funded money making scam ever–next to global warming. It’s accepted that US routinely funnels billions of US tax dollars to terrorists, severs and illegally occupies a third of Syria, creates an Islamic emirate in Idlib and threatens to bomb Syria if its president Assad tries to reclaim Idlib or rescue Syrian citizens trapped there, debates which terror groups are better to deal with, and threatens to punish anyone who helps Syria rebuild. Almost no one knows or cares that Congress refuses to pass the “Stop Arming Terrorists Act.” “With certainty” some US taxpayers have figured out that we’re slaves of something horrible that goes beyond war, ie, the Mass Murder and Starvation industry, but we know we’re powerless to stop it no matter who “wins” elections. We know that ordinary Americans are enemy #1 to “Washington,” so Washington needed to convert us to peasants of a monarchy. To silence us, impoverish us, and deny us a country, they decided on slow genocide, including enslaving us to the Mass Murder and Starvation industry. If Islamic headslicers are now US “allies” and no one complains, the sky’s the limit for “Washington.” “Even as they put on a great show of “liberating” foreign peoples, they are in the process of enslaving the American people.” The only way to stop this money laundering operation is to separate Washington from US taxpayers. This can be accomplished by breaking up the US into a few parts.

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