Monday, September 30, 2019

ISIS chemical weapons attacks such as those in Iraq in 2017 kept quiet by media since it wrecks anti-Assad narrative, plus ISIS is backed by US and its “allies” Saudi Arabia and Qatar


4/16/2017, “General: 2nd gas attack on Iraq troops in as many days,“ AP, Qassim Abdul-Zahra, Baghdad 

“The spokesman for the Joint Operation Command in Iraq says the Islamic State group has attacked government troops with some type of gas in western Mosul — the second such attack in as many days. 

Brig. Gen. Yahya Rasool tells The Associated Press that six soldiers suffered breathing problems from the attack on Sunday and were treated in a nearby field clinic. 

An investigation was launched to determine what type of gas was used. 

The attack comes a day after an Iraqi military officer said ISIS militants launched a gas attack in the al-Abar neighborhood in western Mosul. 

Two army officers say masks and other equipment have been distributed to the forces in case of future gas attacks. They spoke anonymously as they were not authorized to speak to media.”


Added: Per John Kerry, Sept/Oct 2016, US hoped ISIS would take down Assad, watched as they threatened Damascus. But then Russia came to Syria’s aid, so ISIS didn’t force Assad out: 

John Kerry at :26: “The reason Russia came in is because ISIL was getting stronger, Daesh was threatening the possibility of going to Damascus and so forth. And that’s why Russia went in. Because they didn’t want a Daesh government and they supported Assad. 

“And we know that this was growing. We were watching. We saw that Daesh was growing in strength, and we thought Assad was threatened. We thought, however, we could probably manage, that Assad would then negotiate. Instead of negotiating, he got Putin to support him.””


US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar fund ISIS per Mrs. Clinton email, August 17, 2014: “Governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to Isis and other radical groups in the region.”

Additional source for ISIS using chemical weapons: ISIS uses chemicals against civilians as well as military: “ISIS militants have also used chemical weapons several times against the Iraqi civilians in the city of Mosul.” 

4/16/2017, “Mosul’s strategic old city under full siege,”, Iran, Shia news 

ISIS Launches Chlorine Gas Attack in Western Mosul” 

“ISIS terrorist group launched a chemical attack in a recently-liberated area in Western part of Mosul in Nineveh province, severely wounding several Iraqi soldiers. 

Security sources disclosed that missiles loaded with chlorine were fired at al-Abar neighborhood, injuring at least seven troops. 

The ISIS militants have also used chemical weapons several times against the Iraqi civilians in the city of Mosul, since the army troops started the special operation to recapture terrorist group’s de facto capital…. 

The comprehensive military campaign by Iraqi military forces to liberate the Northern city of Mosul from ISIS militants continued on Sunday, as local reports quoted a top Iraqi commander as saying that Western Mosul’s Old City district, a strategic ISIS bastion, has come under a full siege by Iraqi government forces.”..

Added: Media uninterested in chemical attacks by ISIS, wrecks anti-Assad narrative: 

4/17/2017, “A chemical attack that occurred…that the mainstream media will sparsely report. Why? Because this attack was a confirmed chemical weapons attack conducted by ISIS. And, for those still not in the know…ISIS is backed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey…and the USA. It’s all part of the “Assad must go” first strategy…so any chemical weapons press that ISIS incurs, destroys the “Assad has chemical weapons” narrative that has been carelessly crafted over the years. Fact remains that ISIS possesses, and freely uses, chemical weapons. On Sunday at least six Iraqi soldiers suffered inhalation problems following a chemical attack launched by ISIS. The chemical attack took place in a recently-liberated area of Mosul. This is the second chemical weapons strike from ISIS in just two days, as the jihadist forces try to push back Iraqi government forces’ advance in Mosul.”…"ISIS Launches Second Mosul Chemical Weapons Attack In Two Days,” Mint Press News, Alex Christoforou


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