Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ann Coulter informs Amanda Carpenter that 2016 GOP primary Trump voters 3 years later still absolutely would've voted for Trump over the “Republican” open borders candidates who ran against him…(Amanda, “honestly,” we’ll welcome you back to planet Earth should you ever decide to return)

Ann Coulter replies to a smooth, completely out of touch CNN parasite named Amanda Carpenter who asks 2016 Republican primary voters to dig deep and answer her “honest” question. She wants to know in 2019 if they still would’ve voted for Trump over the open borders “Republicans” that ran against him in the primaries:An honest question I have for 2016 GOP primary voters. If you knew everything about Trump that you know now, would you still have supported him for president in 2016?”

Above, 9/28/19, Ann Coulter twitter 

Following are first 12 of a long list of replies agreeing with Ann Coulter, ie, “Yes.” More follow at site.

See more at site. Response #13 was from an employee of the open borders warmonger publication, The Atlantic, which everyone is free to read. If you work at The Atlantic you have on your side: all the money in the world, the entire political class (both parties), the entire education system, the entire movie industry, the entire corporate world, the entire media world, every billionaire in the world, every global elite in the world, to name a few. Republican voters have no one, no political party, nothing. I’m not complaining, just stating a fact. If you work at the Atlantic you’re part of the permanent ruling class, the military/intel/media monarchy which is great for you, congratulations, but I have nothing in common with you.


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