Friday, September 7, 2018

White House NY Times Resister dislikes two of Trump's best policies which were central to voters choosing him to be President: no more America Last trade deals, and no more Endless Unwinnable Foreign Wars such as with Russia-Michael Tracey...(Why not just cancel all elections since the unelected control everything?)


Above, 9/5/18, from Michael Tracey twitter

More on the anonymous op-ed: It has very familiar "establishment Republican" verbiage with its "dripping sense of superiority and elitism" expressing "the typical worldview of elitist republicans. That is to say, a holier-than-thou neocon "establishment" GOPe type." Neocons view US taxpayers as slaves to the Endless Unwinnable War Industry even as the US border remains open. Without US taxpayer funded wars, mass murdering neocons face the prospect of having to look for a job. That's why they're mad: 

9/5/18, President Trump Responds To Media Questions About Anonymous Administration Official Op-Ed," tcth, sundance

"Earlier this afternoon the New York Times presented an Op-ed claiming to be from an anonymous Senior Official within the Trump Administration [SEE HERE].

The op-ed is titled: “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration” and carries a bi-line saying:  “I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”

The tone, flow, construct and syntax of the article points to a very familiar “establishment republican” perspective. The “resistance” criticism levied within the article is centered around the outlook of the professional political class, and their sense of importance. If NRO’s Jonah Goldberg worked for the administration, he would be suspect #1 – that’s the dripping sense of superiority and elitism expressed.

The opinions expressed within the “anonymous” op-ed reflect the typical worldview of elitist republicans. That is to say, a holier-than-thou neocon “establishment” GOPe type, who prefers crustless cucumber and mayonnaise sandwiches on white bread cut into little triangles. From this world-view President Trump is an outsider; a vulgarian, a deplorable who needs to be managed by those who are much more important.

From the construct of the trade positions espoused within the writing; in combination with the voluminous praise for [the late] Senator John McCain; we can see the epicenter of this “republican resistance” is based on Trump’s withdrawal from foreign interventionism and his economic/trade policies which contradict with the customary globalist views of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Wall Street and the pontificating financial class."...


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