Friday, September 7, 2018

Syria would be justified in bombing the US and demanding ‘regime change’ in return for years of US bombing Syria. In 2018 mass murdering US continues to bomb Syria and seek ‘regime change.’ US taxpayers remain slaves of the Endless Unwinnable War Industry

US elections should be cancelled as the US is ruled by the unelected. US taxpayers remain enslaved to the Endless Unwinnable War Industry which seizes our money to bomb and commit mass murder in other countries even as the US southern border remains wide open with no wall. US taxpayers’ only chance of escaping our enslavement is for other countries to bomb the US in return.

 9/7/18, SYRIA 180: US Regime Change Plan is Back (It Never Left),” 21st Century Wire 

“In a new report released on Thursday, President Trump ‘does a 180’ on his previous policy against pursuing regime change in Syria – now agreeing to “a new strategy for an indefinitely extended military, diplomatic and economic effort there, according to senior State Department officials.”

While Trump’s prior positions on regime change may have signaled a shift in regime change aspirations, U.S. military actions on the ground in Syria have always aligned with overthrowing the democratically elected Bashar al-Assad and his administration. 

For evidence of this you can look no further than the troop build-up and presence in the southeastern part of Syria, specifically near the Iraqi and Jordanian borders in the area of al-Tanf, where a U.S. military base was established (illegally) in 2016 for the stated purpose of countering ISIS and training Syrian opposition groups in their fight against ISIS. However, these ‘moderate rebels’ are not fighting ISIS, instead they are free to run amok across the country whether under direct supervision of U.S. forces or not.

In al-Tanf, the U.S. military has permanently established a 55KM ‘de-confliction zone’ along a stretch of the Baghdad-Damascus highway within the borders of the sovereign country of Syria. U.S. forces operate with impunity here and have strategically positioned themselves to also monitor and beat back, if needed, Iranian-backed forces essentially playing the role of occupier, judge, jury and executioner on foreign soil in this region.

And what about ISIS? If you believe all the government and corporate media propaganda, then you probably still think that ISIS is entirely a grassroots Islamic ideological movement – with no connection to foreign agencies like the CIA, Britain’s MI6, Turkish (NATO) intelligence, Saudi intelligence, Israeli intelligence, or Pakistan’s ISI. Not only would you still be wrong, but US coalition support for ISIS is an “open dirty secret” that continues to this day:

If you need even further proof of the open-ended and perpetual nature of this occupation in Syria, look no further than today’s reaction by U.S. officials in response to Russia’s warning of pending attack on Syrian militants in the al-Tanf area: 

“The United States does not seek to fight the government of Syria or any groups that may be providing it support. However, if attacked, the United States will not hesitate to use necessary and proportionate force to defend US, coalition or partner forces,” a defense official told CNN.” 

U.S. officials are claiming a ‘right of self-defense’ in Syria as illegal occupiers of the country? This is in direct conflict with sanity and international law.

Regime change may be back on the table, but in reality it never left. The U.S. must end its illegal and permanent occupation of Syria. 

The U.S. position in Syria is a CASUS BELLI. Pure and simple. Any questions?” images from 21st Century Wire



Comment: Every country the US bombs is completely justified in bombing the US in return. The US knows this,  obviously doesn't care, and now we know why. Because the US is a dictatorship run by the Endless Unwinnable War Industry. Voters are powerless to change anything.


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