Thursday, September 15, 2016

Trump overtakes Hillary in Nevada among likely voters, Monmouth Poll, Sept. 11-13, 2016, 44 Trump, 42 Hillary. Trump has 14 point lead among Independent Nevada voters

Trump 44
Hillary 42
Johnson 8
(Stein not on ballot)

Independent voters
Trump 43
Hillary 29
Johnson 8

Sept. 11-13, 2016, 406 likely Nevada voters, 4.9 error margin, telephone poll, 206 land line, 200 cell phone. 31R, 33D, 36 Ind. (p. 5). Male 48, female 52. White 67, Black 11, Hispanic 14, other 8 (p. 5). The poll results include only two skin tones: "White Non-Hispanic" (error margin 5.8) and "other" (error margin 9.2) p. 5

9/14/16, "Trump overtakes Clinton," Monmouth Poll

"Independents have shifted, however, now giving Trump a clear 43% to 29% advantage over Clinton, with 17% supporting Johnson. Two months ago, the independent vote was divided at 39% for Trump, 37% for Clinton, and 10% for Johnson.

"The race in Nevada is still tight, but the momentum has swung toward Trump," said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute....

Clinton's lead among women voters is also a bit narrower than in Monmouth's prior poll, currently at 50% to 40% compared with 53% to 38% in July. Trump has a 48% to 34% edge among men, which is slightly better than his 44% to 37% lead among male voters two months ago....


Interviews were conducted by a live caller in English, including 356 drawn from a list of registered voters (206 landline/150 cell phone) and a random digit dial supplement of 50 cell phone interviews. Monmouth is responsible for all aspects of the survey design, data weighting and analysis. The final sample is weighted for age, gender, race and partisanship based on voter list and U.S. Census information....Error attributable to sampling has a maximum margin of plus or minus 4.9 percentage points (unadjusted for sample design). Sampling error can be larger for sub-groups."... 


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