Thursday, September 15, 2016

Trump leads in Florida among likely voters, CNN ORC poll, Sept. 7-12, 2016. Trump 47, Hillary 44, Johnson 6, Stein 1. Trump has ten point lead among Florida likely independent voters

Trump 47
Hillary 44
Johnson 6
Stein 1 

9/14/16, "Florida," CNN ORC poll

Sept. 7-12, 2016, 788 likely Florida voters, 33D, 32R, 35 Ind., (p. 8), 3.5 error margin (p. 1), 60% land line, 40% cell phone (p. 1). Unfortunately, Florida Hispanic and Latino voters, who may or may not be "white" or "non-white" aren't measured in this poll. The poll assumes Florida voters can be lumped into one of only two voting groups based on two arbitrary skin tones, "white" or "non-white," per the state census: "Entire sample was weighted to reflect statewide Census figures for gender, race, age, education and region of the state. Interviews were conducted in English or Spanish depending on the respondent’s preference." (p. 8, Methodology) 

Total Florida likely voters, page 11, question p5a

Trump 47
Hillary 44
Johnson 6
Stein 1 

Likely Florida Independent voters, page 12, question p5a 

Trump 48
Hillary 38
Johnson 10
Stein 3


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