Tuesday, October 27, 2015

GOP Establishment spokesman Romney laments good old days of 3 tv networks and the left's monopoly on news, when congressional Republicans were permanent minority and compromised with Democrats without voters finding out. Talk radio and new media ruined collaboration in DC per Romney-Rush Limbaugh

Limbaugh: "This is embarrassing....Is there not a single one of you in the Republican establishment in Washington that has ideas you think superior to the Democrats that you want to win and implement?"...
10/26/15, "The GOP Establishment Comes Undone: Romney Pines for the Days Before Rush, the Alternative Media, and Conservative "Insurgents"," Rush Limbaugh

"RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, the Republican establishment is coming unglued. They're no longer making even any pretense at camouflaging or hiding who they are, where they are, and what they think....

I have been sitting on a story for almost a week. I wanted to see if this got any play anywhere. It's a story about Mitt Romney, who is in the news on two or three different stories today....

The story I'm referring to, however, was first posted on October 20th, and it was on Breitbart....It was out there for everybody to react to....

Mitt Romney went on a podcast. This may be why it didn't get widely reported. He went on a podcast hosted by David Axelrod. Of all places to go, Romney went on a podcast hosted by David Axelrod....

Mitt Romney is on record in the David Axelrod podcast as lamenting and complaining about the fact that there is now a conservative media, both on talk radio, in print, in broadcast, and on the World Wide Web. Romney told Axelrod that the demise of legacy media had empowered conservative insurgents like this show and others, which has prevented collaboration in Washington....

In 1988 when I started this show is exactly the world Mitt Romney loves, and it's exactly the world Mitt Romney wants to go back to.  He's not the only one.  The entire Republican establishment is probably in favor of this in one way or the other.  Back in 1988 all was there was three networks and CNN and a couple of newspapers, and that was the media, that was the news.  That was a monopoly.  The left ran the media then just as they do now. The Democrat Party and the media were the one. The Republicans back then were perennial losers. We're talking about 135 to 140 seats in the House of Representatives and they were happy. 

As long as the Democrats gave 'em a cut of the action, gave 'em a little participation here or there, they were happy being perennial losers.  They were all part of the Washington establishment, and, as such, there was the bragging rights of membership in the club, in the DC establishment. So in 1988 when this program started, that's all there was.... 

And all along I was of the opinion the Republican Party would have been ecstatic with this. Finally they would not be prisoner to the legacy media.  They wouldn't be prisoner to a Democrat Party-media association and monopoly that basically aced them out and gave them electoral victories which were sporadic and unexpected. And for many of the years following 1988, I was under the impression that the Republican Party was happy with this, that this was something that they welcomed and it was long overdue....And as time went on, some of that did happen, particularly in the early years. But it didn't take long for something -- I couldn't pinpoint, just didn't seem right....

I mean, the Democrats were on my case from day one. You know, Bill Clinton blaming me for the Oklahoma City bombing and calling KMOX in St. Louis to complain that I had three hours a day on the radio and there wasn't anybody to respond to it. I was the only conservative voice out there. This is 1993. Without going through the entire history of the past 27 years, there were telltale signs that the Republican Party was not at all thrilled with this New Media, that they considered it problematic and outsider-ish.

But this piece from Breitbart chronicling Romney's comments with David Axelrod.  "Failed GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney lamented that the demise of traditional media --" That would be when they had their monopoly. Romney says it would be better if we could go back to those days, where there were no Republican insurgents and extremists in the media. Because with the birth of this new conservative media and these Republican insurgents, that began to prevent establishment Republicans from compromising with the Democrats....

Look, folks, you don't have to hear an endless parade of Republican candidates list as their number one accomplishment, "I can cross the aisle. I'm the guy that can work with the other side. I'm the guy that can cooperate with the Democrats. I'm the guy can get things done."  You don't have to hear that from more than one or two Republicans to get the drift, that they long for the days where there was no opposition to them compromising and caving to the Democrat majority and media majority on practically every issue, and being tossed whatever bones they got in response.

"As the Republican establishment is trying to convince Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) to run for House Speaker, Romney told David Axelrod that the 'extremes within our respective parties are having a louder and louder voice and demanding more attention' and 'immediate action' as opposed to more 'collaborative action.' Romney said this phenomenon flows in part from the 'change in the world of media. There was a time when we all got the news with the same facts, if you will,' he said. 'We had three networks we watched for the evening news.'" 

He wants to go back to the days of Walter Cronkite, Huntley and Brinkley and Howard K. Smith, and James Reston, Scotty Reston at the New York Times, and David Broder at the Washington Post. And that was it. Those were the good old days, folks. That's before the days you began harassing them on issues like immigration, spending and resisting things like Obamacare....The good old days when you couldn't force them to pretend to say things you agreed with. 

They've apparently been harboring a deep resentment over this for a long time, and we finally reached the boiling point and the tipping point to where they can no longer hold it in. I don't know whether it's the Trump candidacy and the reality that the establishment Republican Party is not desired. We now know why four million Republicans stayed home in 2012 when Mitt Romney was on the ballot. Four million Republicans sensed this and wanted no part of it, probably more than that; many of them probably showed up and voted anyway just to be voting against Obama....

"Romney lamented that more Democrats are considering themselves 'liberal' and 'in my party, there are more and more who feel they are more insurgent than towards the center of the party.'"  

Translation: In my party there are more and more who call themselves conservative. "And I think that divisiveness is one of the things that has led to Washington having such a hard time getting things done."...

That is not what the US Congress is about. That's not what the United States government is about. But apparently as far as Mitt Romney is concerned, the Democrats were the majority, they had a monopoly on the media, their agenda is what carried the day, and those were the good old days?...

So the Democrats had their monopoly. They got to determine what people learned. They got to determine what the commentary on the news was, and they got to determine what people never did hear or learn or have reported. Those days are over, and I submit to you that the left wing or the media monopoly that existed is so out of sorts over this, and has been for 20 years, their desire to regain their monopoly, to go back to the glory days, their desire to once again be able to move and shape public opinion is what drives them each and every day....

Mitt Romney -- and he's not alone -- the Republican establishment long for the days when they were the only ones in the business with the power to determine what everybody knew...

RUSH:  On State of the Union yesterday on CNN, Romney was praising various Republican presidential candidates as being in possession of best approach to find common ground with the people across the aisle.  The names he mentioned are Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and Chris Christie. And then he said, "We have Paul Ryan, for instance, willing to work with Democrats. That's a good thingThat's a productive thing. That's what we need." 

No, we don't. Is there not one of you in the Republican establishment -- is there not a single one of you -- that wants to win?

Is there not a single one of you in the Republican establishment in Washington that has ideas you think superior to the Democrats that you want to win and implement?  Is the entire reason for the existence of the Republican Party to collaborate with the Democrats and get things done in Washington like Obamacare and an Iran nuclear deal that makes the world much more dangerous? A terrorist regime in possession of nuclear weapons? You want to agree with a political party that's going to make that happen? Name anything else the Democrat Party has done in the last seven years that has benefited this country and you want to collaborate with that?

That's how you measure your success?

This is embarrassing

It is just completely embarrassing....

Is your head still spinning? Well, I'm not finished so just buckle up....

Let me explain why I think this is happening now....It's apparently now abundantly obvious that in addition to irritating the left, I have been irritating the Republican establishment. This whole alternative media has.

Now, one of the facts of life out there, folks, you and I, we are legitimately and properly frightened and scared. We are witnessing the decline our country right in front of our eyes.  We are witnessing the transformation of our country.  We are witnessing a particular party do it with glee, and we are scared because the party we thought that we supported to stop it isn't interested in stopping it. They're interested in stopping us. Meaning, opponents of what's happening.

We don't want to lose our culture. We don't want Western civilization take it on the chin. 

We don't want government to become so big and out of control that we lose our individual liberty and freedom and impetus and ambition and desire. We don't want to lose the language. All of this is happening. People are losing their jobs, they're losing full-time status....Republicans have done nothing substantive to stop it. People are scared. We genuinely see a crisis, a crisis that involves the future of the country.... 

But the people inside the Beltway obviously see no such crisis, either party....
The ruling class, the establishment, hey, things are fine for them.

There isn't anybody where they live making 30 grand or less. There isn't anybody of substance out of work where they live. There isn't anybody that doesn't have the best health care in the country where they live....
They don't see the 94 million not working. Globalism, big deal, gotta compete. You know how you do that? You lower wages....If you want to be a global competitor, you can't win if you have to pay your people more than they pay 'em in Sri Lanka or China or India or wherever....The only way we can compete is get our labor costs down. Hello, illegal immigration.  That's what we're facing. We think it's a crisis.... 

Inside the Beltway this fright is mocked, made fun of, discredited as examples of extremism, which is what they think the New Media is....   

I have been under the impression that people on my side would have been excited about this and would have welcomed it. And to find out that the Republican establishment considers it to be one of their biggest obstacles?"...  


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