Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Donald Trump continues to lead in North Carolina, up 5 points to 31 per Public Policy Poll, 10/23-25. This North Carolina poll with Trump 'the highest we've found him yet' was on PPP twitter site early morning 10/27 but was unavailable on PPP website until late afternoon

Trump 31
Carson 23
Rubio 11
Bush 6
Cruz 6
Fiorina 6
Huckabee 5
Kasich 5
Christie 3
Paul 2
Graham 0
Jindal 0

10/23-10/25, 2015. 425 Republican primary voters. 4.8 error margin. Telephone poll.

10/27/15, "Clinton rising in North Carolina; Trump still leads," Public Policy Polling, Tom Jensen

"Trump's support is actually up 5 points from a month ago in North Carolina when he led with 26%. His favorability comes in at 52/35, where it was basically an identical 53/36 in September. The only candidates besides Trump to see any increase in their support are Carson (21% to 23%) and Paul (0 to 2%) whoeach saw a 2 point gain. The folks headed in the wrong direction are Carly Fiorina, whose support's been cut in half from 12% to 6%, and Ted Cruz who's gone from 9% to 6%. Cruz has been on the upswing in some of our other recent polling so that could just be noise. Fiorina's image has clearly taken a hit though- she's gone from +35 (58/23) all theway down to +14 (45/31) on her favorability.... 

Public Policy Polling surveyed 893 voters from October 23rd to 25th, including 425 Republican primary voters and 421 Democrats primary voters. The margin of error for the overall survey is+/-3.3%, for the Democratic primary voters it’s +/-4.8%, and for the Republican primary voters it’s +/-4.8%. 80% of participants responded via the phone, while 20% of respondents who did not have landlines conducted the survey."


Special note about these poll results being withheld until late afternoon:

10/27/15, "North Carolina Poll – Donald Trump Extends Lead With 31%, Fiorina and Bush Collapse to 6%,"…The Conservative Treehouse, sundance

"We would be remiss, however, if we did not note something rather bizarre happening today.  We knew the poll was going to be available because of an earlier press release on October 24th from PPP Polling announcing they were conducting it. However, all day, if you tried to find the poll itself, the ppp website was unavailable until 4:20pm. (PPP tweeted results at 10:00am, and the PPP website operates on the “Cloud”)"...

Here it is on PPP twitter on Oct. 26, Trump "highest we've found him yet":

(continuing): "Accepting the reality that very large and powerful interests are pulling out all the stops to try and diminish the insurgent frontrunner, Donald Trump, and given our prior research which shows their manipulative media intent therein, it would appear that all efforts are being exhausted to block the general public from seeing positive Trump polling data.

This is very alarming to say the least. We knew all efforts would be undertaken to manipulate the general public, but what is going on in the past 5 days is jaw dropping.  It appears a coordinated strategy to diminish Trump similar to Operation Hummingbird.

First, no polling from Iowa released for 45 days, then 3 university polls released within 48 hours highlighting candidate Trump in second place? Something sketchy when considered against the backdrop of thousands of his supporters at his Iowa rallies, contrast with a few hundred by the next closest candidate.

And the PPP site is not working? UPDATE:  pdf results available 4:20pm. 

Additionally, 8 consecutive national polls showing Donald Trump solidly extending his lead October 16th through October 23rd (Last Three –>): Reuters – 33%, Morning Consult – 40%, ABC – 32%,….and then all of a sudden today nationally he’s broadcast by CBS and New York Times to be in second place?

This, despite OANN national poll showing:

"Going into the third GOP debate on Wednesday, One America News Network’s latest national poll shows New York real estate mogul Donald Trump well ahead with a commanding 35.6 percent. Dr. Ben Carson landed in the number two position with 21.7 percent, trailing Trump by 13.9 points. (link)"

Nonsense. What we are seeing is the broadcast of “agenda polls” building up to create a very specific narrative in advance of the GOP debate tomorrow. The media narrative to push Trump out of the frontrunner status.  Why?

…Because if you remove Donald Trump, Ben Carson becomes Herman Cain, Ted Cruz becomes Newt Gingrich, and Bush/Rubio become Mitt Romney circa 2012…

There are trillions of dollars at stake for the globalists and Wall Street interests. They are using the “corporate” U.S. Media to push a necessary outcome. That’s why."...


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