Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Trump expands lead to 26 in North Carolina Public Policy Poll, 9/24-9/27/15. Jeb Bush falls to 7th place: 'Not only are voters not supporting him (Bush), but they don't even like him.' PPP, 9/29/15

9/29/15, "Trump Steady in North Carolina; Biden Polls Well," Public Policy Polling, Tom Jensen

Trump 26
Carson 21
Fiorina 12
Rubio 10
Cruz 9
Huckabee 6
Bush 5
Kasich 4
Christie 2

Jindal 1
Santorum 1
Graham O
Pataki O
Paul O

Poll dates 9/24-9/27/15, 576 Republican primary voters, 4.1 margin of error. "PPP's newest North Carolina poll finds that Donald Trump is holding his ground- at least compared to where he was in the state six weeks ago....Trump's 26% is almost identical to his 24% standing from mid-August....

2 candidates have noticeably headed in the wrong direction in North Carolina over the last month. Jeb Bush has gone from being in third place at 13% to being in seventh place at 5%....Most concerning for Bush might be that not only are voters not supporting him,  but they don't even like him....In June Rand Paul was polling at 12% in North Carolina. By July, that was down to 7%. In August that was down to 3%. And now he has so little support that it rounds down to O....

Public Policy Polling surveyed 1,268 voters from September 24th to 27th, including 605 Democratic primary voters and 576 Republican primary voters. The margin of error for the overall survey is +/-2.8%, for the Democratic primary voters it’s +/-4.0%, and for the Republican primary voters it’s +/-4.1%. 80% of participants responded via the phone, while 20% of respondents who did not have landlines conducted the survey over the internet."...

"North Carolina was a Super Tuesday state, but recently moved their contest back by two weeks due to a GOP rule that prevented them from being a winner-take-all delegates state before March 15th. [In return for making rule changes to help Jeb Bush, NC Republican delegates have been increased from 12 to 72].

Now North Carolinians will vote on the mini-Super Tuesday alongside Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, and Florida."...
9/28/15, "[NC] State GOP switches to proportional representation; selects new executive director," greensboro.com, Danielle Battaglia  


9/29/15, "Trump Widens Lead In North Carolina – RNC Changes Rules To Benefit Jeb Bush – Battles Continue… The Conservative Treehouse, sundance 


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