Tuesday, September 29, 2015

GOP E busy making delegate rule changes to ensure only a lobbyist approved candidate can win: New rules in Colorado 'may hurt GOP contenders such as Donald Trump.' (Denver Post). Colorado and its 37 delegates are 'completely off the map in primary season'. No. Carolina rockets to 72 delegates from 12 as RNC thanks for changing rules to favor unpopular Establishment candidates

North Carolina and Colorado:

1. North Carolina-has 72 delegates instead of 12 thanks to adopting new rules:

9/28/15, "[NC] State GOP switches to proportional representation; selects new executive director," greensboro.com, Danielle Battaglia 


9/28/15, "Latest North Carolina Poll Shows Rand Paul at ZERO – Donald Trump Expanding Lead With 26%…," The Conservative Treehouse, sundance 

"The actual poll will not be released until tomorrow.  However, Public Policy Polling (PPP) has released some twitter previews of what the poll contains. Now people will understand why the North Carolina Republican Establishment has changed the rules.

The GOPe have rewarded North Carolina for making the decision to use “proportional assignment” for their primary delegates.

The proportional distribution helps Team Jeb, because they are counting on winning delegates with low support numbers.  This was always the plan within the GOPe road map.

As you can see Donald Trump has now up-ended this GOPe scheme, and if party bosses don’t immediately change the rules, Trump will dominate the delegate support.

GREENSBOROThe state’s GOP leadership believes it has positioned North Carolina to be a focal point for Republican candidates seeking the 2016 presidential election.

The state Republican Party’s executive committee met at the GOP Headquarters in Greensboro Saturday and decided to divide its delegates for the Republican National Convention by the number of votes presidential candidates receive instead of using a winner-take-all system, often used in states that have primaries shortly before the convention.

A.J. Dauod, the Sixth District Republican chairman, said Sunday the Republican National Committee also gave the state party 72 delegates, instead of 12, because of the move. That makes North Carolina the state with the sixth highest number of delegates at the convention.  (read more)

Another Article HERE

[…] While the executive committee debated which method to use, the party’s central committee was meeting elsewhere in the building to select a new executive director for the state’s party. The committee selected Dallas Woodhouse, the former state director for Americans for Prosperity and current president and founder of Carolina Rising. Woodhouse, a native of Raleigh, succeeds Todd Poole, who resigned from the position Aug. 31. (more)

Here’s more about Dallas Woodhouse who is an establishment GOPe tool: [10/22/14 FEC letter to Carolina Rising Inc., attn Dallas Woodhouse]

North Carolina – Dallas Woodhouse, former head of AFP’s North Carolina chapter and the Pat McCrory / Thom Tillis-aligned Carolina Rising PAC, was officially hired as executive director of the North Carolina Republican Party. (Sources tell me it was made known to the state party leaders that GOP leaders in DC strongly favored the hiring of Woodhouse.) Carolina Rising took some heat earlier this year for allegedly being involved in push-polling and primary candidate recruitment against key GOP state senate leaders. (more)"

Added: "What’s important about that is we’ll get a lot of the presidential candidates visiting the state. And having the sixth highest (number of delegates), (candidates will) pump money into the state for advertisements, events and things of that nature,” Daoud said. “It’ll be a big boost to the state’s economy.”"...


2. Colorado-has 37 delegates. "It takes Colorado completely off the map" in the primary season, said Ryan Call, a former state GOP chairman." Under new rules, each delegate can remain uncommitted until GOP convention in July 2016. As of 8/25/15, Colorado was the first state to forfeit a role in the early nominating process, making it less likely Republican candidates will campaign in the state:

Colorado commenter re: recent changes in Colorado delegates to help GOP Establishment candidates:

Comment posted at The Conservative Treehouse:

"Prothonotary Warbler says:
My state, Colorado, officially forfeited its delegates recently. The official reason given for this move is that it was in protest of the RNC’s last minute rules changes, but I suspect the move was actually made in support of the GOPe.

Coloradans are pretty independent-minded, and so I think Trump was in good position to win here.

It saddened me, not just because it means my primary vote means nothing, but also because it exposed Steve House, who successfully ousted GOPe tool Ryan Call for chairmanship of the state GOP, as a GOPe tool himself."...


""It takes Colorado completely off the map" in the primary season, said Ryan Call, a former state GOP chairman."

8/25/15, "Colorado Republicans cancel presidential vote at 2016 caucus. Move makes Colorado only state to opt out of early nominating process," Denver Post, by John Frank

"Colorado will not vote for a Republican candidate for president at its 2016 caucus after party leaders approved a little-noticed shift that may diminish the state's clout in the most open nomination contest in the modern era.
The GOP executive committee has voted to cancel the traditional presidential preference poll after the national party changed its rules to require a state's delegates to support the candidate that wins the caucus vote.

The move makes Colorado the only state so far to forfeit a role in the early nomination process, according to political experts, but other caucus states are still considering how to adapt to the new rule.

"It takes Colorado completely off the map" in the primary season, said Ryan Call, a former state GOP chairman.

Republicans still will hold precinct caucus meetings in early 2016 to begin the process of selecting delegates for the national convention--but the 37 delegates are not pledged to any specific candidate. 

The Democratic Party still will hold a presidential straw poll March 1--a Super Tuesday vote in a key swing state that is attracting attention from top-tier candidates.

For Republicans, no declared winner means the caucus will lack much of its hype. The presidential campaigns still may try to win delegate slots for their supporters, but experts say the move makes it less likely that candidates will visit Colorado to court voters.

The Colorado system often favors anti-establishment candidates who draw a dedicated following among activists--as evidenced by Rick Santorum's victory in 2012 caucus. So the party's move may hurt GOP contenders such as Donald Trump
, Ben Carson and Rand Paul, who would have received a boost if they won the state. State Republican Party Chairman Steve House said the party's 24-member executive committee made the unanimous decision Friday--six members were absent--to skip the preference poll. The move, he said, would give Colorado delegates the freedom to support any candidate eligible at the Cleveland convention in July. Republican National Committee officials confirmed that the change complies with party rules....

"It's an odd scenario," said Josh Putnam, a political science lecturer at the University of Georgia who runs a popular blog on the presidential nominating process. "It's not to say the campaigns won't be there....But you won't have a good reflection of support at the caucuses, much less Colorado Republicans as a whole."...

With the change, the only way Colorado Republican delegates would remain relevant is the remote chance that no candidate emerges as a clear winner in the primary contest. In this case, the state's unbound delegates would receive significant attention and may hold the key to victory in a floor fight.

"If there's the potential for a brokered convention in any way, the unaffiliated delegates become extremely important," said Joy Hoffman, the Arapahoe County GOP chairwoman who attended the party meeting. "If there is someone who becomes a front-runner, ... then nobody's important. So I think the view became that if we were not bound, it's not the worse thing that could happen."


8/22/15, "Could Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders win Colorado caucuses? History says yes," Denver Post, by Thomas E. Cronin and Robert D. Loevy

Fixed. Colorado GOP caucuses were eliminated.


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