Friday, August 7, 2015

They didn't lay a glove on Trump-Howie Carr, Boston Herald

8/7/15, "Carr: Donald Trump fends off pretenders in Round One," Boston Herald, Howie Carr

"They didn’t lay a glove on him. Donald Trump is still on top, and it became clearer each moment in last night’s debate that Juan Ellis Bush is running in the wrong party. 

Could he have possibly used any more MSNBC dogwhistles? Immigration, Bush said, is a “wedge issue.” (That means, it’s a problem created by Democrats, for Democrats.) Trump is “divisive.” (That means he’s figured out the right wedge issues.) He said he stands by his statements that when illegal aliens, the “valedictorians” as he calls them, commit crimes, they are “acts of love.”
Just ask Kate Steinle’s family. 

Bush twice said illegals should be “drivers” of economic recovery. Drivers? Do you ever read the newspapers, Juan? Any newspapers--New Hampshire, Florida, Massachusetts? One of our biggest problems is your valedictorians behind the wheel, usually drunk out of their minds.

This was one of the few times a televised event actually lived up to the hype. Two hours is a long time, too long to disguise your real character, not to mention politics.

For instance, did you know that Gov. John Kasich’s father was a mailman? He only brought it up twice.

A lot of war heroes climbed up onto the stage last night. Kasich, for one--he was a “military reformer” in Congress. Gov. Chris Christie was likewise on the front lines, obtaining warrants to wiretap some of Jeb’s beloved immigrants. As for Juan Ellis Bush, he called the survivors of those killed in his brother’s war--one of the many “catastrophes,” as the Donald put it, perpetrated by Bush 43.

Christie and Rand Paul went at it, two losers with a combined 4 percent in the polls at each other’s throats. Like what is said about academic battles--the tinier the pond, the more vicious the fish.

Only a few dared launch haymakers at Trump. Rand Paul, for one--he was shocked, shocked that the Donald wouldn’t promise not to run third-party next year. 

Does anyone recall what ticket Rand’s dad ran for president on back in 1988? (Hint: It wasn’t the Republican party.)

You’re having a hard time tonight,” Trump finally sniffed at the candidate of the weed wing of the Republican party.

Megyn Kelly, coming out of the closet as a partisan Democrat hack, sneeringly asked Trump about his Twitter descriptions of women as “‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs’ and ‘disgusting animals.’”

“Only Rosie O’Donnell,” 
Trump clarified.

There were firsts: Sen. Marco Rubio may have been the first candidate anywhere to brag about being a House speaker. And he was undoubtedly the first ex-House speaker candidate ever to brag about being poor. I was shocked, but then, I’m from Massachusetts, home of the indicted and unindicted House speakers.

I called it 1) Trump, 2) Cruz, 3) tied: Carson and Rubio, 5) Huckabee, 6) Walker, 7) Bush, 8) Kasich 9) Christie and 10) Paul." via Free Rep.


Added: Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch and his pathetic choice, Jeb Bush:

12/1/2014: "Valerie Jarrett, Rupert Murdoch, and Jeb Bush" "at John Bussey, Wall St. Journal Associate Editor

Pathetic Jeb Bush, 12/1/14, sitting next to pals Rupert Murdoch and Valerie Jarrett at yearly WSJ CEO dinner 


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