Friday, August 7, 2015

Big donors order candidates to 'take Trump out' in first debate, Trump can't be seen as winning. Fox News hosts have 'secret plan' to deal with Trump-Rush Limbaugh

8/6/15, "Putting the Debate Day Pieces Together: Giant Psyops Underway Against Trump," Rush Limbaugh, (day of 1st GOP debate)

"This is politics. People play tricks. There's gamesmanship all over the place going on. Try this headline: "Big Donors Warn Candidates On Eve Of Debate: 'Take Trump Out.'"

The big money people have told Rubio and Jeb and some of the others that you've got to get rid of Trump tonight. We're tired of this. We're getting worried. This is a big distraction. We're pulling your strings and you take Trump out tonight. That's the headline. It's in the DC Whispers Web page.

"Though the Fox News promos state it is a debate of Republican candidates, most of the network’s on-air personalities have admitted publicly it has turned into the Donald Trump show," and that reality is not sitting well with the power brokers in the back rooms of the GOP, and those power brokers are the money people.  

They are the donors and they are the bundlers. They are the fundraisers and they are the people that tell the party when to jump, when to sit, when to talk, when to stand mute and so forth, and they are getting worried that Trump is co-opting their grand scheme to get control of the United States Treasury, which is what I think the purpose of elections has become these days....

In both parties, I think it's a desire to be in charge of the money.  And that's clearly the purpose of the donors.  I mean, the donors donate because they want favorable policy for their businesses, their bottom lines, or what have you. This cronyism didn't start with Obama's really now dug its tentacles deeply into our government with Obama. It's seen as something that a lot of people would like to deepen and enrich. So the money people call the shots, apparently, in the Republican Party. And the word's gone out, they've made it clear to these campaign consultants and the political operatives that Trump cannot be allowed to win the debate tonight. Trump cannot be seen as winning the debate tonight
In fact, according to the DC Whispers: "Some are said to have taken an even more aggressive stance by indicating Trump’s Republican rivals are to 'take him out'," tonight. And by "take him out," you know what it means. It means humiliate him, embarrass him, dwarf him, whatever, make it impossible for Trump to continue beyond tonight. Now, if I'm one of these Republicans and I got these big money donors calling me up and commanding me and ordering me to take him out, I'd say, "Are you going to tell me how to do this?  What do you think we've been trying to do here for the last three or four weeks or two months?  You want to tell me how to do this?" I always love it, the people behind the scenes never go on stage, never really get in the arena, telling everybody in it what to do and how to do it. "You take Trump out!"

The point is, they want Trump's credibility... His personal whatever it is that's attracting voters, they want it damaged tonight because that indicates it's proof positive that Trump is not part of the cabal that is running the Republican Party.  

Now, the Jeb Bush apology, right here in The Politico magazine. Glenn Thrush has a piece, "How Jeb and the GOP Got Trumped." But that headline doesn't tell you at all what's in this story. Second page paragraph, Jeb Bush talking to some operatives. 

"Seriously, what's this guy's problem?" He's talking about Trump. "'Seriously, what's this guy's problem?' Bush reportedly told the donor, adding that he thought Trump was 'a buffoon,' a 'clown' and an 'asshole.'...

"'Seriously, what's this guy's problem?' he asked one party donor he ran into recently according to accounts provided by several sources close to Bush -- and he went on to describe the publicity seeking real estate developer now surging in public polls far ahead of Bush and all the 15 others in the Republican field as 'a buffoon,' 'clown' and 'a--hole.'"...Those three insults are quoted, attributed to Jeb Bush talking to a donor about Trump....

Now, what about civility, folks? 

We keep hearing that the Republican Party must be civil, that we can't get into the gutter like this....The moderates don't like hearing it! When the moderates hear talk like that and the independents and they hear talk like that, they just run right back to the Democrat Party, right? I mean, we will not talk that way about Obama. We don't have a Republican calling him a buffoon, and I've not heard of Republicans calling him a clown, and certainly I haven't heard any Republican calling him a butt-hole.

But Jeb Bush is quoted in The Politico as talking about and describing Trump that way....

We are told that this hurts the image and damages the brand and this kind of talk is not helpful. Meanwhile, McCain can run around and talk about people that support Trump in Arizona, call them "crazies," and that's okay. And now we've got Jeb in The Politico characterizing Trump this way, and I was just wondering: "What about the civility? That's not civil. That's not polite. That's not compromise.   

"That's not showing we can govern. That's not reaching across the aisle. It's certainly not bipartisan....That's coarse, it's uncivil, it's beneath us." ...So I wonder if some of the moralists in our media will suggest that Jeb should apologize. 'Cause this is simply...not what conservatism is and this is not who conservatives are and so forth.

Yes, I'm ladling it on here a little thick, folks, but I'm doing so on purpose.  

Sometimes you have to to make a point. So big donors telling GOP front-runners: 

Get rid of Trump. Take Trump out tonight. The big money is getting nervous. The Politico story is about "How the GOP Got Trumped." I mean, that's their Politico headline, and they detail Jeb's theories and philosophies when Trump came up on the scene and popped up and started to run....

"Just shut up. Don't say a word! Don't react to it." That was the advice he got, and that was what his instincts were. "Don't react to it. It's gonna be short-lived. Trump's gonna step in it. He's gonna say something embarrassing." None of that's happened.

All that's happened is Trump's popularity continued to grow. By the way, something else people having noticing. In the last week, all of a sudden Trump has been described in ways that were not used, terms not used to describe him over a week ago....

He has advanced, he's put out...It's in his book, but he has released his flat tax plan. And it's serious. That's another...He released a flat tax plan. And That's another thing punditry and some media people are now beginning to describe Trump as "serious," meaning you can't dismiss him.

I've read so far five mea culpa pieces, different Drive-Bys, apologize. The most recent was Chris Cillizza, the Washington Post (paraphrasing): "I didn't think Trump was gonna go anywhere, I knew Trump was gonna bomb out. I didn't know Trump was serious. I've gotta take it all back. I apologize! I was wrong." Five of these in the past few days. Media people who predicted Trump was a flash in the pan, wasn't gonna last, was gonna embarrass himself, wasn't even serious about it, are now beginning to ask: Can this guy win? 

Nervously, they're beginning to ask: Can this guy win?...

Of the candidates, ladies and gentlemen, who are said to have been given the biggest anti-Trump marching orders is Marco Rubio. Apparently big donors have gone to Rubio with the greatest sense of urgency and have told Rubio... It's not just Rubio, by the way, that the big donors have approached. But this particular story says that the candidates were said to have been given their anti-Trump marching orders last night....

Could it be that this is the first of what will be many attempts to get Trump to blow his top tonight?...What if this is a strategically placed insult, even before the debate begins, designed to get Trump ticked off even before it starts? 

If the big money people behind the Republican Party are scared and they want Trump taken out, they may figure that the best way to do it is to have him blow his stack and demonstrate whatever they think that would demonstrate -- a lack of presidential temperament or take your pick. Anyway, just guessing. I'm trying to put these pieces all together for you....

Okay, there's no question now that there's a psychological operation underway aimed at The Donald....It's there for anybody to see, but it takes me to put the pieces together, to read between the lines, to read the stitches on the fastball. The Mediaite website: "Fox Debate Hosts Already Have a Secret Plan to Deal with Donald Trump. However, Mediaite is linking to a Politico story, the second Politico story of note of the day. 

The first Politico story is actually from The Politico magazine. This is where Jeb Bush is quoted as insulting Trump as a "clown," a "buffoon," and a "[butt]hole."  Now The Politico has a story claiming that the Fox debate hosts -- which are Megyn Kelly, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace -- have a secret plan to deal with Trump. (laughing) How secret can it be? I just love this. It's a secret plan that we all know about....

Anyway, it does seem like a psych-ops operation, and it's from The Politico. Let me read to you a couple things from the article. "In an interview with Politico, Fox News hosts Bret Baier, Megyn Kelly, and Chris Wallace revealed they already have a plan if Donald Trump refuses to obey the rules of Thursday night’s Republican presidential debate."
If Trump "refuses to obey the rules"? Only Trump runs the risk or poses the risk of not obeying the rules?...

That means that everybody's on the lout now for Trump not to play by the rules....
Just telling you. They "already have a secret plan if Donald Trump refuses to obey the rules." What if somebody else refuses to obey the rules.

Do they have a secret plan to deal with that?...

Is Trump gonna be the only one that they use force to keep him in line? We just have to see. Bret Baier is quoted in The Politico piece: "Listen, he’s going to be treated like everybody else. We’re going to treat every candidate the same....Are we thinking about different scenarios? Sure. Our job is to make sure everybody plays by the rules."...

And if they're having trouble, the people behind the scenes, the producers and directors, are gonna be all over 'em in the IFB, their ear pieces, urging them to go here, go there, shut up, make sure Trump doesn't... Whatever they gonna say. We'll never hear it. 

Megyn Kelly said that they had a plan if Trump refused to stop talking. "We have plan. We're not gonna share it with you," she said. But if Trump doesn't stop talking, they have a plan. What if Jeb doesn't stop talking?...Well, what can they do if Trump doesn't shut up? Well, they could shut off his mike, but that won't work....They'd have to shut off everybody's mike....

Oh, one other thing. Not a big deal. As you know, we have a pretty established conservative media out there now. I mean, let's look at 'em. We've got Red State, we've got Power Line, we've got Hot Air, we have Ace of Spades -- I mean, look, I don't want to leave any of them out....They're all over the place. We got National Review, National Review Online, and who does the GOP go to? Who does the GOP grant access to?  Politico. 

Now, there's gotta be a reason for that. What do you think it is? Why is Jeb telling all this super-secret stuff about what he thinks of Trump to The Politico?  The Politico magazine. I can answer it....I'm just bringing it up here as a talking point. Why didn't Jeb tell this to a National Review Online reporter?  I mean, National Review Online is pretty tight with the Republican establishment. I mean, they're not thought of in the same vein by the establishment as talk radio is. They're considered buttoned down, coat and tie, loyal. Why not go to them? 

Or, take your pick...there's any number of other credible news and commentary websites, magazines, organizations. But the GOP always goes to Politico. They leak everything to Politico or they grant access, non-leak access to Politico.  And I think it says a lot.  I think it says that the GOP still considers its own supportive media to be fringe, and Politico and all the others as the genuine mainstream.  But worse than that, I think it says that the GOP establishment types really think that they're not gonna win or get their message out unless they do it in the mainstream media.  And who knows.  They may be right.  But clearly I think they think this." Image above from Rush Limbaugh


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