3/2/15, "Obama's Failures Have Been Offset by the Destruction of the Republican Brand," Rush Limbaugh
"There has to be an opposition to this. Observing it failing is
simply not enough. Recognizing that something isn't working is simply
not enough. Corrective measures are not automatic anymore. And the
Republican brand had been destroyed by the willing accomplices of the
Democrat Party. The importance of that is any alternative to these
failures, any alternative to the status quo is seen as automatically
unworkable or worse, maybe even seen as immoral and unjust.
So while you might have a lot of people think, "Oh, my gosh, this is
horrible," they don't see the Republicans as a viable option. They do
not see the opposition as an alternative because that alternative has
already been destroyed. People laugh at the GOP, they mock it, they
make fun of it, they certainly don't take it seriously, and therefore
what should be the repository of alternative policies is seen as a
national joke....
This is why Millennials have lost faith in the country and not
Obama. Millennials, everybody that has a desire for this stuff to get
fixed, is at their wits' end. They think the country's letting them
down. They think the country's better days are behind it. They think the
country is not worth all this hope anymore. There is no alternative. The alternative, Republicans, are you kidding me? Those nerds? Oh,
give me a break. I hear what's said about him on The Daily Show.
The only alternative is to let Obama keep trying, 'cause gosh, he's
got such great potential, and these failures just keep mounting up. So
when I see the White House gloating over the GOP's flop in stopping the
implementation of executive amnesty, I totally understand them laughing
about it and gloating....
I mean, how else do you explain the administration and
Drive-By Media and all of the other supporters of the Regime all citing
the Republican (chuckles) flop? And that's what it is. They had every
opportunity to defund a small portion of Department of Homeland Security
so that Obama could not have the money to do his executive amnesty. They promised they would do it. After the election they said they were
gonna do it!
They didn't even get close, and now the administration's running
around gloating over the Republicans' flop here. In addition to that,
you know what they're doing? They're saying that this is evidence of
the Republican Party's inability and failure to govern....
So the Republicans win big in November and won't even take the steps
necessary to stop the partial lack of funding for Department of Homeland
Security....It just further tarnishes the GOP brand, and then the GOP as an
alternative to this failure is not even considered an option. Except it
Related links, Rush Limbaugh:
Comment: The GOP was effectively dead after Nov. 2008 having merged with democrats. They temporarily re-emerged to beat down the Tea Party, but their merger with government is complete.
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