Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Bibi speech hottest ticket in town, US is bragging it has deal with Iran for 10 year delay in nuclear bomb-Rush Limbaugh

3/2/15, "Bibi Speech Is Hottest Ticket in Town, Despite Democrat Boycott," Rush Limbaugh

"It's clear the reason why they don't want Netanyahu speaking.  He's going to illustrate that Obama has got a deal with Iran for nuclear weapons down the road, that it is not a good deal. In fact, we learned last week -- and John Kerry's running around very braggadocios about this -- that we have a deal with Iran. Get this.  That they are limited in finally producing nuclear weapons for ten years, and then after that, they can do it. That's it in a nutshell. For 10 years they can't, but after that they can

The predicate for it is as I've said: This administration is populated with people who do not think we have the right to tell any other nation what they can and can't do. If the Iranians are running around saying they need nuclear weaponry to protect themselves, then our administrations says, "Well, who are we to tell 'em what steps they can't take to defend themselves? We have a nuke. Why can't they? Who are we to tell them?" And that's what they believe. There are no good guys and bad guys.  And to the extent that there are good guys and bad guys, we are and have been the bad guys. I am not saying that just to get noticed or to be outrageous. I'm saying that because that's what these people believe."...Image above from RushLimbaugh.com


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