Saturday, May 31, 2014

Thad Cochran campaign must be nervous as they're urgently working to get Democrat voters to flood Tues., June 3 Mississippi Republican primary. In 2012 GOP did same thing in Indiana, did mailer urging Democrats to vote in GOP primary against GOP candidate Mourdock to help 80 yr. old GOP incumbent Lugar (who lost anyway)

5/31/14, "Sen Wicker (MS) & County Republican Leader Appeal for Democrat Votes in Senate Primary?" Derek E. Hopper,

"In an appeal via email to the party faithful of rural Tippah County, Jerry Windham, Ex-Officio writes that:
the Tea Party, and I suspect the Democratic party, is trying to unseat Senator Thad Cochran because he will be the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, should the Republican Party prevail as projected. That means that he will hold the purse strings of the United States Government. I suggest that he would be the 2nd most powerful person in the US Senate. I know personally, that he values the Full Faith and Credit of the United States Government above all other legislative matters and does not toss money around at the drop of a hat…”.
Setting up the “tea party” as a recognized political party 

separate from the Republicans
and equal in threat with democrats 

is interesting coming from a leader who declares himself to be on a mission to elect conservatives.  The conservative bona fides continue to erode when your stated motive is to give a documented pork grabbing politician a firm grasp to the purse strings of the country.

Our faithful conservative county leader goes on to write: ”I just talked to Senator Wicker, who also has ties to Tippah County, a few minutes ago about the urgency to get the all the vote out. The Republican Primary is the only choice at the ballot box and 

it’s up to us to do our part in getting 

normally democratic 

voters out to our primary."

So, the urgent appeal from Senator Wicker is 

to get democrat voters

to beat back a conservative republican challenge?    

Hmmmm,  with friends like these?!?"


In 2012 GOP primary GOP leadership sent out mailer urging Democrats to vote in 5/8 Republican primary against Republican candidate Mourdock who was favored over 80 yr. old GOP incumbent Lugar:

4/27/12, "Cantor-allied group slams Mourdock as 'extreme,'" Politico, Haberman

"Here's the rest of the mailer I wrote about earlier, in which the Young Guns Network targets Democrats and independents who can vote in the GOP primary and hits Indiana state treasurer Richard Mourdock for taking an 'extreme' stand on wanting to eliminate the federal Dept. of Education.

The entire inside of the mailer - which was made as part of a program, YG Network officials said, that was issues-focused on energy and conservation - is about Lugar's education record, an issue that tends to poll well with swing voters and moderates. But attacking Mourdock as "extreme" is going to sit poorly with conservatives.

There have been murmurs for the last several days that donors to establishment groups like the American Action Network, which Alex reported earlier canceled its ad buy supporting Lugar, were unhappy with the way the money was being spent, since a number of them have privately said they think Mourdock is the favorite at this point."


Daniel Horowitz comments on treachery of  GOP urging democrats to vote against Tea Party Republican in 5/8/12 primary:

4/28/2012, "The Ultimate Treachery," Daniel Horowitz,

"I’m at a loss for words; I’m really not sure what to think of this. 
What word would you use to describe someone from party A (Republican) asking members of party B (Democrat) to vote down a member of party A (Republican) for supporting a fundamental view of party A?
Politico’s Maggie Haberman is reporting that the leadership-affiliated Young Guns Network has sent out mailers asking Democrats to vote for Dick Lugar (not exactly a young gun) in the Indiana Republican primary against Richard Mourdock on May 8."...



If they're really looking to mobilize Dems for Cochran, that would seem to indicate Cochran's campaign is very nervous. Wouldn't you love to see their internal polls?"


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