Saturday, May 31, 2014

Republican Party campaigns for Democrat votes in Mississippi, again seeking to disenfranchise Republican voters. 'It would be Christmas morning for GOP Establishment if they could get rid of their base,' Rush Limbaugh, 10/16/13

5/31/14, "Cochran ad seeks Democratic votes for a Republican primary," Jackson Jambalaya 
"Desperate or smart? That 'tis the question as an ad in the Mississippi Link asked "democrats to cross over and vote in the republican primary to ensure our community's interest is heard." Republicans asking Democrats to vote in a Republican primary? Interesting. 

The ad says at the bottom of the page it is paid for by "All Citizens for Mississippi".  The organization is not listed on the Secretary of State's website although it could be registered.  

Something else that is interesting is the ad's claim that historically black universities received $18 million in federal funds. Is that in 42 years or just last year? One would hope the ad meant those schools received the money last year because the average amount of federal funds per year over 42 years would be pretty low. See page 5 in the Mississippi Link."...via Free Rep.

"GOP Seeks to Rid Itself of the Tea Party," Rush Limbaugh, 10/16/13
like they want to get rid of 'em. They never, ever do anything other than whip them up, keep them engaged, and turn them out.  Meanwhile, the Republicans are tamping their base down.  Why?  'Cause the Democrats don't like their (the Republicans') base, and it's more important to be liked by the Democrats within the establishment, I guess, than it is to have the current base they've got."...


Added: Further substantiation of GOP disenfranchising Republican voters in the Mississippi race and before that in 2012 in Indiana.

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